There are two versions of the <modelname>.geo GiD format: Binary (used by GiD by default) and ASCII. This chapter describes the format of the geometry ASCII file.
During the development of the program, the backward compatibility has been tried to be guaranteed as much as possible, so that, in general, any GiD version is be able to read it (some very old version of GiD can ignore some new entities).
The file should contain the following fields, and in the described order:
Header |
RAMSAN-ASCII-gid-v7.6 <CR> (it is used to identify the file type and its version, in this case 7.6)
Problem Type
Problem type (variable of type string) IsQuadratic (0 for lineal elements)
(problem type name, UNKNOWN type for not loading none)
Must Repair
0 (0 if it is not necessary to apply the "Repair" function after the reading, "Repair" corrects the value of some fields like the counter of the number of higher entities to those an entity is subordinated to)
Number of layer, Name (variable of type string), isfrozen (0 or 1),ison (0 or 1), RGB_R, RGB_G, RGB_B (RGB color, values from 0 to 255) <CR>
Null entity
Code of null entity=0<CR> (used as "flag" for end of entities)
Entity code= -1, number ID, NumOfEntities (number of entities than point to it), elementtype, MustBeMeshed (0 or 1, default=0), size (edge element size), <CR>
Entity Code= -2, number ID, NumOfEntities, elementtype, MustBeMeshed, Size, <CR>
Entity Code= -3, number ID, NumOfEntities, elementtype, MustBeMeshed, Size (number of divisions), weight (positive or negative value to a non uniform concentration of the elements)<CR>
Where ElemType={NoNe=0, Linear=1, Triangle=2, Quadrilateral=3, Tetrahedra=4, Hexahedra=5, Prism=6, OnlyPoints=7}
Entity Code=1, number ID, label, selection, number of higher entities, conditions=0, material=0, number layer, mesh data=0<CR>
x, y, z <CR>
*The flag value label is only used by old GiD versions (to set on/off the visualization of the entity label), current versions use only selection for both flags (first bit for selection on/off and second bit for label on/off)
Straight segment
Entity Code=2, number GOES, labels, selection, number of higher entities, conditions=0, material=0, number layer, mesh data=0 < CR >
Number of initial point, number of final point <CR>
Entity Code=3, number ID, label, selection, number of higher entities, conditions=0, material=0, number layer, mesh data=0,<CR>
Number of initial point, number of final point, x center, y center, radius, initial angle, final angle <CR>
TransformationMatrix [0] [0], ..., TransformationMatrix [0] [3] ,<CR>
TransformationMatrix [3] [0], ..., TransformationMatrix [3] [3] ,<CR>
The transformation matrix maps the points from 2D to the final 3D location.
Entity Code=4, number of ID, label, selection, number of higher entities, conditions=0, material=0, number of layer, mesh data=0,<CR >
Number of initial point, number of final point, number of parts, length, UsePointsInMeshing=0, checknum=0 < CR >
sense[1] ,..., sense[number parts] <CR > (gives the orientation of the sub line, possible values 0 or 1)
length[1], ...,length[number parts] <CR>
here the description for each one of the n sub-curves is written, with the particularity that the number is set = -1 to all of them, to mark that they are not independent entities.
NURBS curve
Entity Code=11, number ID, label, selection, number of higher entities, conditions=0, material=0, number layer, mesh data=0,<CR>
Number of initial point, number of final point, number de polygon control points, degree, length <CR>
x point[1], y point[1], z point[1] <CR>
x point [number points], y point [number points], z point [number points] <CR>
knots[1], ... , knots [number points+degree+1], <CR>
IsRational (0 or 1)
Weight[1] ,..., Weight [number points ] (only if rational)
The length is ignored when reading, it is recalculated (it could be set to 0.0)
Planar Surface
Entity Code=5, number ID, label, selection, number of higher entities, conditions=0, material=0, number layer, mesh data=0 <CR>
Number of boundary lines, <CR>
number of curve[1], ... , number of curve[number of lines] <CR>
(Note: if the curve is a part of a polyline it should be substituted "number of curve[i]" for "- number curve[i], relative position inside the poly-line". Note the negative sign in the polyline number, and the position in the polyline will be 0,1,...)
sense[1], ..., sense[number of lines],<CR> (set the orientation of a segment, must be 0 or 1)
x center, y center, z center, <CR>
x normal, y normal, z normal, <CR> (vector normal to the plane)
Coon Coons Surfaces (defined by 4 sides, their interior is interpolated from the contour)
Entity Code=6, number of ID, label, selection, number of higher entities, conditions=0, material=0, number of layer, mesh data=0,<CR>
Number of boundary lines=4, <CR>
Number of curve[1], ... , number of curve[4], <CR>
(Note: if the curve is part of a polyline it should be substituted "number of curve[i]" for "- number of curve[i], relative location inside the polyline", note the negative sign in the polyline number, and the position in the polyline will be 0,1,...)
sense[1], ..., sense[4] <CR> (set the segment orientation, must be 0 or 1)
x center, y center, z center, <CR>
x normal, y normal, z normal, <CR> (vector normal to the plane)
NURBS Surface
Entity Code=14, number of ID, label, selection, number of higher entities, conditions=0, material=0, number of layer, mesh data=0,<CR >
Number of boundary lines=4, <CR>
Number of curve[1], ... , number of curve[4], <CR>
sense[1], ..., sense[4] <CR> (set the segment orientation, must be 0 or 1)
x center, y center, z center, <CR>
x normal, y normal, z normal, <CR> (vector normal to the plane)
IsTrimmed, NU (number of control points in the U direction), NV, degreeU (polynomial degree), degreeV <CR>
x point[1], y point[1], z point[1], <CR>
x point[NU*NV], y point[NU*NV ], z point[NU*NV ], <CR>
knotsU[1], ... , knotsU [NU+degreeU+1], <CR>
knotsV[1], ... , knotsV [NV+degreeV+1], <CR>
IsRational (0 or 1)
Weight[1] ,..., Weight [NU*NV] (only if rational)
Entity Code=9, number of ID, label, selection, number of higher entities, conditions=0, material=0, number of layer, mesh data=0 <CR>
Number of boundary surfaces <CR>
Number of surface[1], ... , number of surface[number of surfaces], <CR>
sense[1], ..., sense [number of surfaces],<CR> (segment orientation, 0 or 1)
x center, y center, z center, <CR>
Rules to follow:
There are four level types of geometrical entities: Point, Curves (straight segment, arc, polyline, Nurbs), Surface (planar, Coon, Nurbs) and Volume.