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GiD_Result delete {"Res Nodal 1" "Load analysis" 4}

    • GiD_Result exists {Result_name result_analysis step_value} : return 1 if the result exists.


-array flag: the values are returned more efficiently grouping the information in arrays, else values are grouped as a list with one item by entity
-sets <set_names_list>: only the results of nodes/elements (depending on the result) of the sets belonging to <set_names_list> are returned
-selection <sorted_ids>: only the results of nodes/elements (depending on the result) with id belonging to <sorted_ids> are returned
<sorted_ids> must be an intarray (list of integer ids) of increasing ids of nodes/elements to be returned.
if one of the -max, -min, -compmax, -compmin, or -info flags was specified instead of the full results value only the minimum/maximum value of the result, every minimum/maximum of the components of the result, or the header information of the result is retrieved, respectively;
Eamples: (case of a scalar result defined on triangles with 3 gauss points)
GiD_Result get -selection {169 170} -array [list "Test Gauss" "LOAD ANALYSIS" 10]
-> {Result "Test Gauss" "LOAD ANALYSIS" 10 Scalar OnGaussPoints "Triangles"} {ComponentNames "Test Gauss"} 169 170} {{26.25 27.299999237060547 28.350000381469727 26.399999618530273 27.450000762939453 28.5}
GiD_Result get -selection {169 170} [list "Test Gauss" "LOAD ANALYSIS" 10]
-> {Result "Test Gauss" "LOAD ANALYSIS" 10 Scalar OnGaussPoints "Triangles"} {ComponentNames "Test Gauss"} {169 26.25 27.299999237060547 28.350000381469727} {170 26.399999618530273 27.450000762939453 28.5}

    • GiD_Result get_nodes: returns a list of nodes and their coordinates.
    • GiD_Result gauss_point create|get|names|delete <name> <elemtype> <npoint> ?-nodes_included? <coordinates> ?<mesh_name>?
      • create <name> <elemtype> <npoint> ?-nodes_included? <coordinates> ?<mesh_name>?


GiD_Result gauss_point create GPT1 Quadrilateral 1 {0.5 0.5}
GiD_Result create {Result "Res Gauss 1" "Load analysis" 1.0 Scalar OnGaussPoints GPT1} {165 2} {2} {3} {164 5} {4} {3}

    • GiD_Result result_ranges_table create|get|names|delete <name> {<min1> <max1> <label1> ... <minn> <maxn> <labeln> }
      • create <name> {<label1> <min1> <max1> ... <labeln> <minn> <maxn>}
