Versions Compared


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  • Formatting was changed.


The table or the main window itself shows the results for each case of the last test done and also of the best historic results:

Last test information:
Fail : 0=ok (green) , 1=fail (red) , empty=untested
Time (seconds): the total time spend by the process (it is not the CPU time, a case could run with multiple threads)
Memory (MB): the memory spent at the end of the process (it is not the maximum peak along all process)
Test date: the date of the test. This date is compared with the date of the exe file to filter it or not with 'filter date' (Run)
When Time or Memory are much bigger that the best historic values they are showed in orange color, to remark this warning of performance

Best test result information: (best historic result)
Min time (seconds). This value is used to filter cases with 'filter time' (Run)
Min memory (MB). This value is used to filter cases with 'filter memory' (Run)
Ok date. This value allows to know when was the last date when the tests was passed. It allows to detect when has been a bug produced.


Pressing this button the log files will be scanned to show a XY graph with the sum of each selected case along the date (when the test has been done)
Each graph is show in a The new tab that could be closed pressing its corner cross button (or click the contextual menu and select 'Close').

The X axis represents the date and the Y axis represents the 'time' in seconds that the test has spent.

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This graph allows to identify if the program is becoming faster or slower with the changes, and to identify when has appeared some bottleneck that do that the program run slowly.

In the future other Y values will be represented, like memory spend or others.