Code Block |
set xpath "/frame3dd_data/container\[@n = 'staticCases' \]/blockdata" set xml_nodes [$document selectNodes $xpath] foreach load_case $xml_nodes { set xpath "./condition\[@n = 'uniformLoad' \]/group" set groups [$load_case selectNodes $xpath] set number_of_elements 0 set formats_dict [dict create ] foreach group $groups { set group_name [get_domnode_attribute $group n] set Ux_node [$group selectNodes "./value\[@n = 'Ux'\]"] set Ux_value [get_domnode_attribute $Ux_node v] set Uy_node [$group selectNodes "./value\[@n = 'Uy'\]"] set Uy_value [get_domnode_attribute $Uy_node v] set Uz_node [$group selectNodes "./value\[@n = 'Uz'\]"] set Uz_value [get_domnode_attribute $Uz_node v] set format "%5d $Ux_value $Uy_value $Uz_value" set formats_dict [dict merge $formats_dict [dict create $group_name $format]] } set number_of_elements [GiD_WriteCalculationFile elements -count -elemtype Linear $formats_dict] if {$number_of_elements > 0} { GiD_WriteCalculationFile elements -elemtype Linear $formats_dict } } |
In this section, we will write the coordinates, connectivites, and conditions assuming that the input can be different, such as the one in Matfem . In some codes, like matfem, the input file into the solver is not written in a text file, but in a "code like file". The coordinates section in the matfem solver is a matlab array, with a single comma splitting x and y (x, y) and a semicolon spliting a node from another (x1, y1; x2, y2; ...)
Write coordinates:
Code Block % % Coordinates % global coordinates coordinates = [ 0.00 , 0.00; 0.50 , 0.00; 2.50 , 1.00 ];
Code Block customlib::WriteString "%" customlib::WriteString "% Coordinates" customlib::WriteString "%" customlib::WriteString "global coordinates" set nodes [GiD_Mesh list node] customlib::WriteString "coordinates = \[" for {set i 0} {$i < [llength $nodes]} {incr i} { set node [lindex $nodes $i] lassign [GiD_Mesh get node $node coordinates] x y z if {$i < [expr [llength $nodes] -1] } {set end ";"} {set end ""} customlib::WriteString "$x , $y $end" } customlib::WriteString "\] ; "