GiD_Info Mesh
This command gives the user information about the selected mesh in the project.
Without arguments it returns 1 if there is mesh, followed by a list with all types of element used in the mesh.
?-pre | -post? -step <step_index> | -step_value <step_value>? ?-set_name <set_name>??:
-pre | -post: To specify to use the preproces or postprocess mesh , and the (default -pre).
-step <step_index> | -step_value <step_value>:In post can specify time step if it the mesh changes along the time . (default -pre).in post must by default the current time step is assumed)
Must set only -step <step_index> or alternativelly -step_value <step_value>, but not both.
The step<step_index index> is an integer starting from 0 For (a special value all is valid and mean 'all steps' for some options)
-set_name <set_name>: for Elements of post is optional specify -set_name <set_name> to get only the elements of this set, in case that more than one.