Max. iterations: Maximum number of iterations for the choosed chosen algorithm.
Max. local iterations: Number of iterations for filters.
Tolerance: Tolerance of distance function to terminate the process.
Delta position factor: Perturbation of initial position factor. Maximum perturbation = DeltaPosition*UserSize.
Preprocess with porosity: Initial generation of spheres with porosity.
·Porosity: Value of porosity for preprocess.
·Postprocess: correction of final positions. (Experimental)
·Overlaps: Checked permits overlaping overlapping between spheres. If not checked corrects radius of the sphere.
Note: Delta postition position and Delta radius: define randomness of generations: if both of them equals 0, the generation will be structured.
Note: Maximum values recomended recommended for Delta position and Delta radius:
Filter iterations: Number of global iterations before activate sphere size filter.
Search iterations: Number of global iterations before activate the search of new overlapings overlappings between spheres.
Search type: Type of search: Spatial search (Tree-based); Delauny Delaunay remeshing.
Factor contact: Sphere Neighborhood factor distance. Neighbor if Distance(sphere1,sphere2)<ContactFactor*(sphere1.Radius+sphere2.Radius)
Factor neighbor: Penalty factor between overlaped overlapped spheres (in optimization algorithm must be 1.0)
Factor facet : Penalty factor between overlaped overlapped sphere with a surface (in optimization algorithm must be 1.0).
Factor overlap: Factor to eliminate sphere with overlaps. Delete sphere if maximum Overlap>OverlapFactor*Sphere radius