GiD_Geometry -v2 ?-no_model? create|delete|get|list|edit point|line|surface|volume <num>|append <data>
To create, delete, get data or list the identifiers of geometric entities:
delete: to erase model entities
- GiD_Geometry -v2 delete ?-also_lower_entities? point|line|surface|volume <args>
- {id_1> ... <id_n>}
To delete the geometric entities with this ids.
-also_lower_entities to delete also its dependent lower-entities when possible (nod depend on other higher-entities or have applied conditions)
{id_1> ... <id_n>} is an objarray of integers (can use a GiD_Geometry list command to select filtered entities, like the surfaces of a layer, etc.)
get: to obtain all the geometrical data to define a single entity
- GiD_Geometry get point|line|surface <id> higherentity
Will return an integer >=0 with the counter of parent entities using this entity.
It is not defined for volume because this is the top category and doesn't has any parent.
- GiD_Geometry get point <id> forced surface|volume
In case of being a point forced to be meshes as a node of a surface or volume it return the id of this geometrical entity
list: to get a list of entity identifiers of a range or inside some layer
-count to return the amount of entities instead of the objarray with its ids
-unrendered flag is only valid for surface
-higherentity <num_higher> to filter the selection and list only the entities with the amount of parents equal to <num_higher> (integer >=0)
-material <id_material>to filter the selection and list only the entities with material id equal to <id_material> (integer >=0)
-layer <layer_name> to filter the selection and list only the entities with layer equal to <layer_name>
-plane <a b c d r> to list only the entities with center that match the plane equation a*x+b*y+c*z+d<=r
-entity_type <types_allowed> to list only the entities of a type contained in <types_allowed>, that must be a list of allowed types ("STLINE | ARCLINE |POLYLINE | NURBLINE | NURBSURFACE PLSURFACE COONSURFACE MESHSURFACE CONTACTSURFACE VOLUME CONTACTVOLUME")