Special GiD commands related to local axis
- gid_groups_conds::local_axes_window
This Tcl procedure open a window to handle local axis assigned to entities
- correct_local_axes_with_lines nodes|elements <groupList> <groupLinesList>
To use this command must apply to some surfaces local axis automatic.
<groupLinesList> a list of group names with the auxiliary curves
Assuming a group named my_surfaces_group with some surface with automatic local axis applied, and a group named my_lines_group with some curves approximating the wanted local x' direction
Code Block |
set num_enhanced [correct_local_axes_with_lines elements [list my_surfaces_group] [list my_lines_group]] |
The first image show a surface and a curve to be used to orientate the x' local axis, the second image show the automatic local axis, and the third image after call correct_local_axes_with_lines with the x' local axis 'near-parallel' to the auxiliary curve
Note: it is possible to call automatically this command when a mesh is generated, implementing GiD_Event_AfterMeshGeneration