The first time that tester is launch it automatically ask for a few preferences, the rest are set to default values
These preferences will be saved/restored in the file config\preferences.xml:
Preferences are classified in some frames:
- Localization: declares the location and kind of program to be tested.
- Visual studio: optional to declare VS compiler setting (to try to automatic detect of the wrong commit that cause a fail)
- Git: option to declare git repository settings (to try to automatic detect of the wrong commit that cause a fail)
- Run: set some running parameters, and allow filter (hide and not to run) some test cased based on several criteria
- View: visualization settings
- Graphs: to set the minimum and maximum date to show graphs of the logs (read all logs is expensive, and the more recent test are the most importants). It allow also subsample to not read all log files.
- Report: html report settings