GiD_Geometry -v2 ?-no_model? create|delete|get|list|edit|exists point|line|surface|volume <num>|append <data>
To create, delete, get data or list the identifiers of geometric entities:
Will return the information of the mesh of the geometric entity <id> as a list: {element_type element_num_nodes node_ids coordinates element_ids connectivities ?radius_and_normals?}
element_type: string
element_num_nodes: integer with the amount of nodes of an element (all mesh elements are of same type)
node_ids: objarray of integers with num_nodes items, where num_nodes is the amount of nodes of the elements of this mesh (node id one-based)
coordinates: objarray with 3*num_nodes items of double with x y z of the mesh nodes.
element_ids: objarray of integers with num_elements items (element id one-based)
connectivities: objarray with element_num_nodes*num_elements of int with the connectivities of the elements (one-based)
radius_and_normals: only for sphere and circle elements. objarray with num_elements items of double with the radius of each element or num_elements*4 items for circles, with the radius and the normal 3D vector (normal to the plane of the circle).
- GiD_Geometry get point <id> nodesurface|volume <id> mesh_boundary
Will return the information of the boundary of the mesh nod of this point, if any.Can return "" is there is not any node, the integer node num the geometric entity <id> as a list: {element_type element_num_nodes connectivities}
element_type: string
element_num_nodes: integer with the amount of nodes of an element (all mesh elements are of same type). Can be also a quadratic mesh, whit more nodes than the linear ones of the corners.
connectivities: objarray with element_num_nodes*num_elements of int with the connectivities of the elements (one-based)
a volume with a mesh of prisms or pyramid will have as boundary a mix of quadrilateral and triangles, all are expressed as quadrilaterals (triangles will write the 4th node repeating the last id)
It is not returned any information of node_ids, coordinates or element_ids.
the list of node_ids can be obtained easily with something like this, sorting the ids of connectivities removing duplicates
set node_ids [objarray sort -unique [lindex [GiD_Geometry get volume $volume_id mesh_boundary] 2]]
set node_ids [ lsort -unique -integer [lindex [GiD_Geometry get volume $volume_id mesh_boundary] 2]]
the coordinates could be obtained from the node_ids with other commands like GiD_Mesh get node
element_ids are not returned because the boundary faces doesn't exists explicitly in GiD, and then they don't have a number
- GiD_Geometry get point <id> node
Will return the information of the mesh nod of this point, if any.
Can return "" is there is not any node, the integer node num if it has a node (but the number could be 0 in case of an 'internal' node, not visible)
- GiD_Geometry get point|line|surface <id> higherentity
Will return an integer >=0 with the counter of parent entities using this entity.
It is not defined for volume because this is the top category and doesn't has any parent.
- GiD_Geometry get point <id> forced surface|volume
In case of being a point forced to be meshes as a node of a surface or volume it return the id of this geometrical entity
list: to get a list of entity identifiers of a range or inside some layer
-count to return the amount of entities instead of the objarray with its ids
-unrendered flag is only valid for surface
-higherentity <num_higher> to filter the selection and list only the entities with the amount of parents equal to <num_higher> (integer >=0)
-material <id_material>to filter the selection and list only the entities with material id equal to <id_material> (integer >=0)
-layer <layer_name> to filter the selection and list only the entities with layer equal to <layer_name>
-plane <a b c d r> to list only the entities with center that match the plane equation a*x+b*y+c*z+d<=r
-entity_type <types_allowed> to list only the entities of a type contained in <types_allowed>, that must be a list of allowed types ("STLINE | ARCLINE |POLYLINE | NURBLINE | NURBSURFACE PLSURFACE COONSURFACE MESHSURFACE CONTACTSURFACE VOLUME CONTACTVOLUME")
<selected> to set the selection flag (value 0 or 1)
exists: to check if a single entity exists or not
- GiD_Geometry exists point|line|surface|volume <id>
Return 1 if exists, 0 otherwise
Creation of a new NURBS surface: