What's new from version 15.1.3d to 15.1.4d
- File browser: allow zip/unzip.
- Html help disk size much smaller than previous version
- Avoid GiD lock starting/ending if login server has problems to answer requests, and faster asynchronous start.
- Cache to some disk access operations (e.g. for faster menus) specially with slow filesystem cases like network units
- Included problemtype interfaces Nastran, Abaqus and Ls-dyna that now don't require an extra Compass password.
- Corrected bug when exporting vectorial output (SVG, PS, OBJ, etc.) when using AMD Raeon graphic cards.
- Corrected error with multiple monitors, when error windows appears in monitor 1 and gid is in monitor 2.
- linux installer in console mode to no show nor ask questions about graphic gui.