GiD_Raster create|interpolate|subsample|fillnodatavalue
To create from the mesh a raster (2D grid) with a value that represents the z, and use a raster to efficiently interpolate values to other points or all points of other raster.
A raster is defined with a Tcl list of the following data:
<ncols> <nrows> <xllcenter> <yllcenter> <xcellsize> <ycellsize> <nodata_value> <values>
ncols, nrows are the number of columns and rows of values (representing values on center of cells)
xllcenter,yllcenter are the x,y coordinates of the lower-left corner
xcellsize, ycellsize are the x,y sizes of the cells, usually the same value (compulsory to be exported as ArcInfo grid ASCII)
<nodata_value> is the special value to represent that the data doesn't exists (usually -9999.0 for ArcInfo grid ASCII)
<values> is an objarray of (ncols x nrows) doubles with the scalar value to be represented, usually the z of the x,y node.
GiD_Raster create {nodes <xyz_nodes>} ?{<cellsize>}{<ncols> <nrows>}|{<ncols> <nrows> <xllcenter> <yllcenter> <xcellsize> <ycellsize> <nodata_value>}?
To create a raster from a cloud of 3D nodes
<xyz> must be an objarray of doubles with "x1 y1 z1 ... xn yn zn" values of a cloud of coordinates.
z data will be extrapolated to grid with and averaged value of the near nodes
GiD_Raster create {nodes <xyz_nodes>}
The raster will be created with automatic number of rows, columns and limits
GiD_Raster create {nodes <xyz_nodes>} {<cellsize>}
The raster will be created with the specified cell size, equal for x and y, and automatic number of columns, rows, and limits
GiD_Raster create {nodes <xyz_nodes>} {<ncols> <nrows>}
The raster will be created with the specified number of columns and rows, and automatic limits
GiD_Raster create {nodes <xyz_nodes>} {<ncols> <nrows> <xllcenter> <yllcenter> <xcellsize> <ycellsize><nodata_value>}
The raster will be created with the specified number of columns and rows, lower-left center, cell sizes and no data value.
GiD_Raster create {triangles <xyz_nodes> <elements>} ?{<cellsize>}{ncols nrows}|{ncols nrows <xllcenter> <yllcenter> <xcellsize> <ycellsize> <nodata_value>}?
To create a raster from a irregular mesh of 3D triangles
<xyz> must be an objarray of doubles with "x1 y1 z1 ... xn yn zn" values of a the node's coordinates.
<elements> must be an objarray of integers with the index (starting by 1) or the 3 nodes of each triangle. "t1_1 t1_2 t1_3 .. tn_1 tn_2 tn_3"
z data will be extrapolated to grid finding the triangle that contain the coordinate in 2D projection, or a near node.
GiD_Raster create {triangles <xyz_nodes> <elements>}
The raster will be created with automatic number of rows, columns and limits
GiD_Raster create {triangles <xyz_nodes> <elements>} {<cellsize>}
The raster will be created with the specified cell size, equal for x and y, and automatic number of columns, rows, and limits
GiD_Raster create {triangles <xyz_nodes> <elements>} {<ncols> <nrows>}
The raster will be created with the specified number of columns and rows, and automatic limits
GiD_Raster create {triangles <xyz_nodes> <elements>} {<ncols> <nrows> <xllcenter> <yllcenter> <xcellsize> <ycellsize> <nodata_value>}
The raster will be created with the specified number of columns and rows, lower-left center, cell sizes and no data value.
GiD_Raster interpolate ?-closest? <raster_interpolation> {nodes <xy_nodes>}|{raster <raster_to_interpolate_without_data>}
To use <raster_interpolation> to calculate interpolated values of a collection of 2D nodes or all grid nodes of another raster
It returns and obj_array of doubles with the interpolated value for each node
<xy_nodes> list of x y coordinates "x1 y1 ... xn yn" of the points to interpolate the value
<raster_to_interpolate_without_data> another raster (its values could be a empty objarray)
If -closest flag is set, then instead interpolate it get the value of the closest grid node (interesting to map non-continuous integer values)
GiD_Raster subsample <raster> <increment_row> ?<increment_col>?
It returns a new raster subsampling the input raster jumping columns and row by increment_row and increment_col
increment_row must be an integer>0 and <num_rows of the input raster
If increment_col is omitted it is assumed equal to increment_row
GiD_Raster fillnodatavalue<raster>
To fill the missing values (with nodata special value) interpolating them from the existing values. The raster itself is modified.
Some auxiliary Tcl procedures:
GIS::GetRasterFromTriangles { selected_element_ids cellsize far_points_set_nodata far_points_distance }
It returns a raster from the selected mesh of triangles.selected_element_ids is expected sorted increasing.
If cellsize is 0.0an automatic value is used
far_points_set_nodata 0 or 1
GIS::GetRasterFromNodes { selected_node_ids cellsize far_points_set_nodata far_points_distance }
It returns a raster from the selected mesh nodes. selected_node_ids is expected sorted increasing.
If cellsize is 0.0 an automatic value is used
far_points_set_nodata 0 or 1
if 0 all grid points will have interpolated value, 1 far grid points will be set with special nodata (usually -9999) value
far_points_distance is only used if far_points_set_nodata is 1, and must be a distance>=0.0 (if 0.0 will use an automatic distance value)
GIS::ImportRaster_Geometry { raster show_advance_bar {value_smoothed_to_nodes 1} }
It creates geometrical surfaces (and its lines and points) from the raster
GIS::CreateSurfaceParallelLines { raster {layer ""} }
It creates a single NURBS surface interpolating a collection of near-parallel curves (that interpolate the points of each row of the raster).
<layer> is the layer where the new surface will be assigned (the current layer to use if defaulted to "")
GIS::ImportRaster_Mesh { raster show_advance_bar {value_smoothed_to_nodes 1} }
It creates mesh quadrilaterals (and its nodes) from the raster
GIS::SaveRaster_ArcInfoASCII { raster filename }
It saves the raster in the file named filename with ArcInfo grid ASCII format
GDAL::ReadRaster { filename show_advance_bar }
It return a raster with from the file named filename.
The format could be some raster geospatial data format allowed by the GDAL (Geospatial Data Abstraction Library).
Some of them are: ArcInfo, geotiff, png, jpg, and much more.