GiD_Info parametric
This command returns geometric information (coordinates, derivates, etc.) about parametric lines or surfaces.
For lines it has the following syntax:
GiD_Info parametric ?-no_model? line <entity_id> coord|deriv_t|deriv_tt|t_fromcoord|t_fromrelativelength|length_to_t <t>|<x> <y> <z> ?<t_seed>?
And for surfaces:
GiD_Info parametric ?-no_model? surface <entity_id> coord|deriv_u|deriv_v|deriv_uu|deriv_vv|deriv_uv|normal|uv_fromcoord|maincurvatures|uv_projection_z_fromcoord <u> <v> | <x> <y> <z> ?<u_seed> <v_seed>?
If -no_model flag is specified then entities are stored in a special container, it doesn't belong to the model
The result for each argument is:

v1x v1y v1z : first main curvature vector direction (normalized)
v2x v2y v2z : second main curvature vector direction (normalized)
c1 c2: main curvature values

e.g: set uv [GiD_Info parametric surface $id uv_projection_z_fromcoord $x $y]
Note: The vector derivatives are not normalized.
in: GiD_Info parametric line 26 deriv_t 0.25
out: 8.060864 -1.463980 0.000000