GiD - The personal pre and post processor
GiD_Event_BeforeTransformProblemType: will be called just before transforming a model from a problem type to a new problem type version.
If it returns -cancel- as a value then the transformation will not be invoked.
file: the name of the model to be transformed;
oldproblemtype: the name of the previous problem type;
newproblemtype: the name of the problem type to be transformed.
proc GiD_Event_BeforeTransformProblemType { file oldproblemtype newproblemtype } { ...body... set value ... return $value }
GiD_Event_AfterTransformProblemType: will be called just after transforming a model from a problem type to a new problem type version.
It must return a list of the items: value and messages
value 1 if there were model changes done in this procedure, 0 else.
If it returns -cancel- as a special value, then the transformation messages won't be shown.
file: the name of the model to be transformed;
oldproblemtype: the name of the previous problem type;
newproblemtype: the name of the problem type to be transformed.
messages: explains the transforming operations done.
proc GiD_Event_AfterTransformProblemType { file oldproblemtype newproblemtype messages } { ...body... set value ... return [list $value $messages] }
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