GiD - The personal pre and post processor
Read / Write
GiD_Event_LoadModelSPD: will be called when a GiD project is loaded. It receives the argument filespd, which is the path of the file which is being opened, but with the extension .spd (specific problemtype data). This path is tipically the file of the model where the problemtype store its own data.
proc GiD_Event_LoadModelSPD { filespd } { }
Note: GiD_Event_AfterLoadGIDProject Will be called when a GiD project is loaded, but not when a problem type is loaded, then could be used instead of GiD_Event_LoadModelSPD as an oportunity to load the problemtype data of the model.
GiD_Event_LoadProblemtypeSPD: will be called when a problem type is loaded. It receives the argument filespd, which is the path of the file which is being opened, but with the extension .spd (specific problemtype data).
This path is tipically the file of the problemtype where the problemtype define its own data.
proc GiD_Event_LoadProblemtypeSPD { filespd } { }
Note: LoadGIDProject is a deprecated confusing event, that is called in both cases: GiD_Event_LoadModelSPD and GiD_Event_LoadProblemtypeSPD
GiD_Event_SaveModelSPD: will be called when the currently open file is saved to disk. It receives the argument filespd, which is the path of the file being saved, but with the extension .spd (specific problemtype data). This path can be useful if you want to write specific information about the problem type in a new file.
proc GiD_Event_SaveModelSPD { filespd } { }
Note: SaveGIDProject is a deprecated event alias of GiD_Event_SaveModelSPD
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