XML declaration file

GiD - The personal pre and post processor

XML declaration file

The file problem_type.xml declare information related to the configuration of the problem type, such name, version, file browser icon, password validation or message catalog location, history news, etc.

The data included inside the xml file should observe the following structure:

<Infoproblemtype version="1.0">

By default GiD read this file when loading the problemtype and provide its key-value pairs parsed in a Tcl global array named 'problemtype_current' (e.g. $::problemtype_current(version) returns the version of the problemtype)

Compulsory nodes: (the values of these nodes are just examples)

  • <Name>cmas2d_customlib</Name> to provide an identifier name for the problem type.
  • <Version>1.0</Version> dotted version number of the problem type.

The name and version of the problemtype is used to compare the version of the problemtype used for a old model and do an automatic transform if necessary to try to map the old and new data fields.
The 'Internet retrieve' tool also uses Name and Version to compare a local problemtype with the remote copy of the Internet repository.

Optional nodes:

  • <MinimumGiDVersion>12.1.11d</MinimumGiDVersion> to state the minimum GiD version required.

If the problemtype is loaded in a GiD version lower than the one required a warning message will be raised.

  • <ImageFileBrowser>images/ImageFileBrowser.png</ImageFileBrowser> icon image to be used in the file browser to show a project corresponding to this problem type. The recommended dimensions for this image are 17x12 pixels.
  • <Icon>images/my_icon.ico</Ico> Windows .ico image to be used in the Windows file browser to show the .gid folder of the project with the icon corresponding to this problem type. It is recommended a .ico with multiple resolutions.
  • <MsgcatRoot>scripts/msgs</MsgcatRoot> a path, relative or absolute, indicating where the folder with the name msgs is located. The folder msgs contains the messages catalog for translation.
  • <PasswordPath>..</PasswordPath> a path, relative or absolute, indicating where to write the password information see ValidatePassword node).
  • <ValidatePassword></ValidatePassword> provides a custom validation script in order to override the default GiD validation (see ValidatePassword node).
  • <CustomLibAutomatic>1</CustomLibAutomatic> This node must be defined only for 'customLib like' problemtypes, with values 0 (default) or 1 .If true it allows to do automatic tasks to use the library (otherwise the problemtype developer must write extra code to use the library, like load packages, initialize the library, etc.)
  • <CustomLibNativeGroups>1</CustomLibNativeGroups> This node must be defined only for 'customLib like' problemtypes, with values 0 (default) or 1, to specify that the library uses 'native GiD groups' instead of 'pseudo-groups GiD conditions'.

It is possible to set other non-standard nodes, to use