GiD_Info meshquality
GiD - The personal pre and post processor
GiD_Info meshquality
GiD_Info MeshQuality
This command returns a list of numbers. These numbers are the Y relative values of the graph shown in the option Meshing -> Mesh quality (see MESH>Mesh Quality from Reference Manual) and two additional real numbers with the minimum and maximum limits.
This command has the following arguments:
- MinAngle / MaxAngle / ElemSize / ElemMinEdge / ElemMaxEdge / ElemShapeQuality / ElemMinJacobian / NumNeighbors / SpaceFilling / ElemRadius: quality criterion.
Note: NumNeighbors / SpaceFilling / ElemRadius only works for Sphere and Circle. - Line / Triangle / Tetrahedra / Quadrilateral / Hexahedra / Prism / Pyramid / Point / Sphere / Circle: type of element.
- <min_value>: e.g. minimum number of degrees accepted.
- <max_value>: e.g. maximum number of degrees accepted.
- MinAngle / MaxAngle / ElemSize / ElemMinEdge / ElemMaxEdge / ElemShapeQuality / ElemMinJacobian / NumNeighbors / SpaceFilling / ElemRadius: quality criterion.
if min_value and max_value are set to 0 then limits will be automatically set to the minimum and maximum of the mesh
- <num_divisions>: number of divisions.
in: GiD_Info MeshQuality MinAngle Triangle 20 60 4
out: "13 34 23 0 20.0 60.0"