GiD_Info variables

GiD - The personal pre and post processor

GiD_Info variables

GiD_Info variables ?-expand_array_names? ?-mesh? ?<variable_name>?
GiD_Info variables
It returns a sorted list of the GiD variables, including the ones related to meshing
Note: For array-like names it only return the base name, the array names can be obtained in a second step with
GiD_Set -array_names <variable_base_name>.
If -expand_array_names is used then instead the base names it replace them by the list of expanded names
GiD_Info variables -mesh
If returns a sorted list of the GiD meshing variables only.
GiD_Info variables <variable_name>
This command returns the value of the variable indicated.

Note: this command is deprecated to get a variable value. The more modern GiD_Set command can be used to get or set the value of a GiD variable, look into Special Tcl commands>Other for more information.
GiD variables can be found in the Right buttons menu (see UTILITIES>Tools from Reference Manual), under the option Utilities -> Variables.