GiD version

GiD - The personal pre and post processor

GiD version

The version of GiD is returned by GiD_Info gidversion

Normally, a problem type requires a minimum version of GiD to run. Because the problem type can be distributed or sold separately from GiD, it is important to check the GiD version before continuing with the execution of the problem type. GiD offers a function, GidUtils::VersionCmp, which compares the version of the GiD currently being run with a given version.

GidUtils::VersionCmp { Version }

This returns a negative integer if Version is greater than the currently executed GiD version; zero if the two versions are identical; and a positive integer if Version is less than the GiD version.


proc InitGIDProject { dir } {
    set VersionRequired "10.0"
    if {[GidUtils::VersionCmp $VersionRequired] < 0 } {
	WarnWin [= "This interface requires GiD %s or later" $VersionRequired]

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