
GiD - The personal pre and post processor


To learn how to configure GiD for a particular type of analysis, you can find some practical examples:

  • By following the tutorial of the chapter Defining a problem type of the GiD user manual.
  • By studing and modifing some existing Problem Types

Problem types included in GiD by default as example in $GID/problemtypes/Examples:

  • cmas2d: This is the problem type created in the tutorial, which finds the distance of each element relative to the center of masses of a two-dimensional surface. It uses the following files: .cnd, .mat, .prb, .bas, .tcl and .bat. There is a help file inside directory cmas2d.gid called cmas2d.html
  • cmas2d_customlib: The same problem type, but implemented using the 'CustomLib library'.
  • cmas2d_customlib_wizard: The same problem type, but implemented using the GiD Smart Wizard package, to generate a wizard GUI
  • complex_example: uses some basic Tcl/Tk interaction (in complex_example.tcl) with GiD to:
    • add a new menu in GiD's menu bar;
    • create an icon bar for the problem type, with their own images;
    • using conditions to evaluate user defined formulae at the nodes of the domain: look into complex_example.cnd and complex_example.bas .

Other problemtypes can be downloaded from the Data->Problem type->Internet retrieve menu:

  • Kratos: Multiphysics FEM open source C++ code.
  • RamSeries: This is a problem type which performs the structural analysis of either beams or shells or a combination of both using the Finite Element Method. This problem type uses the latest features offered by GiD . The .exe file for Windows systems is also included in a limited version.
  • Tdyn: Multiphysics solver (including CFD, heat transfer, species advection, pde solver and free surface problems).

CompassFEM is a suite that includes both Tdyn and RamSeries codes

  • NASTRAN: Static and dynamic interface for the NASTRAN commercial analysis program (not included)

For the full version without limitations check http://www.compassis.com.

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