
GiD - The personal pre and post processor


GiD_Info postprocess get <option>

See also the more modern commands Graphs and GraphSets

The following <option> are available:

Returns a list of all graphs.

Returns a list of the line graphs.

all_graphs_views: Returns all available graphs types.

graphs_option: ?-allowed_values? <graphset_property>| <graph_property> <graph_name>
whith -allowed_values flag it is returned a list with the possible values of the property instead of the current property value.
To get graphset properties

  • <graphset_property> could be:
    CurrentStyle Grids MainTitle TitleVisible LegendLocation CoordType AngleAxis AngleUnit ShowOrigAxes ShowRadMarks ColorOrig ColorRad PatRad OutlineOnModel ShowGraphs X_axis Y_axis ShowModelView LineWidth PointSize

To get graph properties (must specify also the <graph_name>)

  • <graph_property> could be:
    Style Color ColorAsCFill LineWidth Pattern PatternFactor PointSize Title NumResults ResultsX ResultsY LabelX LabelY Visible

Graph axis options:
axis_options <axis_option>
Returns the current value for the specified property of the drawing axes option.

  • <axis_option> could be:
    ShowAxes Type Dimensions AxesWidth AxisXColor AxisYColor AxisZColor XYZLabels Grid GridXColor GridYColor GridZColor GridXDivisions GridYDivisions GridZDivisions FactorPatron Patron Label LabelColorAxes LabelType VarFontSize LabelColor Arrow ArrowXColor ArrowYColor ArrowZColor

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