GiD - The personal pre and post processor
GiD-Tcl special commands to create and delete materials and conditions:
GiD_CreateData create|delete material|material_base|condition ...
To create or delete materials or conditions:
GiD_CreateData create material <basename> <name> <values>
To create a material with the same question fields as a base material but different values:
- <basename> this only applies to the create material operation, and is the base material from which the new material is derived;
- <name> is the name of material itself;
- <values> is a list of all field values for the new material.
GiD_CreateData delete material|material_base <name>
To delete a material
GiD_CreateData create material_base <name> {{question_1 ... question_n} ?{value_1 value_n}?}
To create a base material: (define the fields of a new material to be used to derive new materials from it)
- <name> is the name of material;
- <questions> and <values> are lists of all questions and values for the new material. If values are missing empty values are used.
GiD_CreateData create condition <name> <over_geometry> <over_mesh> {{question_1 ... question_n} ?{value_1 value_n}?}
To create a condition:
- <over_geometry> must be over_point|over_line|over_surface|over_volume|over_layer|over_group
- <over_mesh> must be over_node|over_element|over_face
GiD_CreateData delete condition <name>
To delete a condition:
set id_material [GiD_CreateData create material Steel Aluminium {3.5 4 0.2}] GiD_CreateData delete material Aluminium set id_condition [GiD_CreateData create condition surface_pressure over_surface over_face {{pressure} {0.0}}] GiD_CreateData delete condition surface_pressure
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