
GiD - The personal pre and post processor


GiD_Project view <option> ?<value>?
To handle view parameters
<option> could be

if <value> is provided then the value is set, else the current values are get

GiD_Project view clip_planes_x ?{left right}? 

Left and right clip planes, real values

GiD_Project view clip_planes_y ?{top bottom}?
Top and bottom clip planes, real values

GiD_Project view clip_planes_z ?{near far}?

Near and far clip planes

GiD_Project view clip_planes_margin ?value?
Margin between view and model box

GiD_Project view rotation_vector ?{x y z}?
Rotation vector

GiD_Project view rotation_factor ?value?
Rotation factor

GiD_Project view rotation_matrix ?{v11 ... v44}?
Rotation matrix (4x4)

GiD_Project view rotation_center ?{x y z}?
Rotation center

GiD_Project view perspective_distance ?value?
Perspective distance

GiD_Project view perspective_ortho_near ?value?
Perspective near plane

GiD_Project view perspective_ortho_far ?value?
Perspective far plane

GiD_Project view perspective_factor ?value?
Perspective factor

GiD_Project view perspective_view ?0|1?
1 if perspective conical visualization mode is active, 0 if false

Current view mode

GiD_Project view render_mode ?value?
Current render mode (integer)

GiD_Project view light_vector ?{x y z}?
Light direction in screen space (not in world space): x = horizontal, y = vertical, z = towards the user 
The light is directional, not punctual, and the modulus doesn't matter (it is not necessary to be an unitary vector)

If {x y z} argument is missing it returns the current light direction