GiD - The personal pre and post processor


GiD_MeshPost create <mesh_name> <element_type> <element_num_nodes> ?-zero_based_array? <node_ids> <node_coordinates> <element_ids> <element_connectivities> ?<radius+?normals?>? ?<r g b a>?

To create a postprocess mesh.
This command create all mesh nodes and elements in a single step (unlike GiD_Mesh that create each node or element one by one)

  • <mesh_name>: the name of the mesh
  • <element_type>: must be one of "point | line | triangle | quadrilateral | tetrahedra | hexahedra | prism | pyramid | sphere | circle"
  • <element_num_nodes>: is the number of nodes an element has. All elements of the mesh must have the same number of nodes.
  • -zero_based_array: optional flag. By default node and element indexes start from 1, but setting this flag indexes must start from 0.
  • <node_ids>: list of node identifiers. If it is an empty list them numeration is implicitly increasing.
  • <node_coordinates>: a list of real numbers with the thee coordinates of each node {x0 y0 z0 ... xnn-1 ynn-1 znn-1}
  • <element_ids>: list of element identifiers. If it is an empty list them numeration is implicitly increasing.
  • <element_connectivities>: a list of integers with the <element_num_nodes> nodes of each element: the id of each node is the location on the vector of nodes, starting from 0
  • <radius+normals>:
    • <radius>:only for spheres. Is a list of reals with the radius or each sphere {r0 ... rne-1}
    • <normals>:only for circles. Is a list of reals with the radius and normal to the plane or each circle {r0 nx0 ny0 nz0 ... rne-1 nxne-1 nyne-1 nzne-1}
  • <r g b a>: optional color components, to set the mesh color. r g b a are the red, green, blue and alpha transparency components of the color, must be real numbers from 0.0 to 1.0. If the color is not specified, an automatic color will be set.