Print to file

GiD - The personal pre and post processor

Print to file

Menu: Files->Print to file

This option asks you for a file name and saves an image in the required format. The properties of the image (resolution, size, etc.) can be assigned in Page and capture settings (see Page and capture settings).

The accepted formats are as follows:

  • Postscript screen: Postscript. Useful for sending to a postscript printer. It is a snapshot of the screen.
  • Postscript vectorial: Postscript. Useful for sending to a postscript printer. It gives a higher quality result, but can only be used for small models. Otherwise, very large files are created and it takes a long time to print them.
  • EPS screen: Encapsulated postscript. Useful for inserting into documents.
  • EPS vectorial: Encapsulated postscript. Useful for inserting into documents. It gives a higher quality result than EPS screen, but the resulting file is much bigger.
  • PDF screen: Portable Document Format (Adobe Acrobat) file.
  • PDF vectorial: Portable Document Format (Adobe Acrobat) file. It gives a higher quality result than PDF screen, but the resulting file is much bigger.
  • BMP: Windows Bitmap image file.
  • GIF: Graphics Interchange Format image file.
  • JPEG / JPG: Joint Photographic Experts Group image file.
  • PNG: Portable Network Graphics image file.
  • TGA: Truevision TarGA image file.
  • TIFF / TIF: Tagged Image File Format.
  • VRML: Writes a VRML model file with the current visualization.
  • STL: Writes a STL triangle mesh with the current visualization.
  • OBJ: Writes an Obj (Wavefront) mesh with the current visualization.
  • SVG: Scalable Vector Graphics.
  • PGF: Progressive Graphics File.

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