Data menu

GiD - The personal pre and post processor

Data menu

All the data that defines the problem and that is managed in the data menus, depends on the Problem Type and will change for every different problem type. The following help will describe the common interfaces to all the possible data.

Data for a problem is defined by the following parameters: conditions (see Conditions), materials properties (see Materials), units (see Data units), problem data (see Problem data), and intervals data (see Interval data) that define the problem. The conditions and materials have to be assigned to geometrical entities. It is also possible to define new reference systems (see Local axes).

The various windows will differ according to the specifications of the problem (thermoelastic, impact, metal-forming, etc.), the different types of elements (2D or 3D, beams, shells, plates, etc.) and also the different requirements and specifications of the particular solver.

All the commands and facilities that are explained in this manual are generally available for the different solvers. However, there may be some commands and facilities that are only available to some of them and therefore some displays may look slightly different from those explained in these pages.

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