
GiD - The personal pre and post processor


Results' cache options can be found it Preferences --> Postprocess --> Post files: Post files

  • The user can enable the Result's cache in the postprocess panel of the Utilities --> Preferences window.
  • The size of the memory pool can also be adjusted by selecting one of the predefined memory sizes or entering the desired amount in the same entry. The size can be adjusted according to not only the amount of memory the computer has, but also the memory used by a single result.
  • Using indexed binaries, will speed up the access of the results on huge file, more over if the user access them randomly.
  • Using indexed results information stored in the indices, will speed up the loading of huge results files, as the results information, except values, are already stored in the index files.

Note: if for some reasons GiD has problems reading the index files, or the information stored in these files are not actualized, the user can recreate these index file in the File --> Open dialog box, see Open.

For instance a mesh with one million nodes with a vector result at each step, the amount of memory needed to hold the nodal vector result of a single step will be: 4 components * 4 bytes per float * 1 million nodes = 16 MBytes of memory. If there are 100 steps in the analysis and an animation of these vectors is desired, to get a fluid animation the memory pool must be set to 16 * 100 = 1.6 GBytes of memory. But if the desired animation is of a contour fill or an iso-surface, then the amount of memory needed is reduced by 4, to 400 MBytes.