GiD - The personal pre and post processor
From v 14.1.7d to 14.1.8d
What's new from version 14.1.7d to 14.1.8d
- New GiD variable WarnLineHeight also in preferences window (General->Interface->Number of message lines).
- Unified Border Angle preference for pre- and post-process, the threshold for detecting sharp edges.
- Collada format import.
- Linux and macOs: corrected error when writing the password in the usb memory sticks.
- Function Utilities-->Renumber now also renumbering the elements considering their proximity, so their storage can improve performance in cases where close elements are accessed more often.
- New 'Also higher entities' option to send entities to layer or send to back.
- Abaqus mesh .inp import plugin.
- Fixed some bug related with surfaces meshing skipping inner lines.
- Improved some bottle-necks in meshing and rendering process considering models with a lot of geometrical entities.
- Fixed some bugs in compatibilized number of divisions in lines just before meshing.
- Improved efficiency creating a volume with holes with lot of surfaces.
- Improved efficiency when drawing big meshes in preprocess using VBO.
- Fixed bug exporting multiple files with cuts do hdf5.
- Add to default macros toolbar the GraphGaussResult to create graph of gauss point results.
- objarray package 1.10->1.11, new subcommands translate and rotate, for arrays representing xyz coordinates. and replace efficiency enhanced.
- GiD_Raster interpolate ?-closest? , new option to map discrete integer-coded values, returning the value of the closest grid node.