GiD - The personal pre and post processor

From v 12.0 to 12.0.1

What's new from version 12.0 to 12.0.1
There are only fixed bugs:

  • Help window: corrected problem when issuing warnings from within lognoter (help window).
  • Macros: corrected problem with large icons in new theme.
  • Font preferences: corrected problem when changing the render mode of fonts to sharp or smoothed edges; added help too.


  • Draw mesh size: corrected transparency problems when taking png or tiff snapshots.
  • Insert geometry: corrected crash when inserting geometry with mesh in an empty project.
  • Fixed bug that set render precision to zero when loading old models.
  • Step import: fixed bugs creating surface in case of non-unitary parametric axes
  • Rendering: avoid crash when rendering some wrong defined surfaces.


  • Infinite redraws: avoiding entering in redraw loops for very heavy meshes, streamlines and iso-surfaces.
  • Indexed files (32 bits): corrected error which recreates the index file every time a results' files of more than 4 gigabytes is opened.
  • Simplified view / fast draw: corrected crash when changing results' visualization when the simplified mesh was drawn.
  • Some corrections about temporal memory management.
  • Graphs: correction when creating an evolution graph from a point inside hexahedra, prisms and pyramids.
  • Quadratic elements: corrected error when drawing 20-node-hexahedra or 8-node-quadrilaterals with Vertex Array or Vertex Buffer Objects.
  • Iso-surfaces: correct rendering of transparent iso-surfaces and opaque meshes.


  • Tcl packages: twapi package updated from version 3.0.3 to 4.0.61