from v 8.0.x to 8.1.1b

GiD - The personal pre and post processor

from v 8.0.x to 8.1.1b

What's new from version 8.0.x to 8.1.1b 
Visualize layer labels
Smooth iso-surfaces with results visualization and animation
Meshing volumes and 2D surfaces with sphere elements.

Align nodes of structured and semi-structured meshes (variable AlignSemiStructuredNodes)

Memory savings to manage big meshes in pre and postprocess
Rhino import updated to version 4
CGNS mesh format import
Basic support of pyramid elements
Swap group to orientate coherently groups of line elements
Apply background mesh sizes also when meshing lines
Draw surface curvature : mean, gaussian, main directions. Get them with GiD_Info

NetCDF format import (only mesh)
Creation of voxels from an VTK file (structured points dataset), GiD_VTK2OrthoHexa Tcl command

Creation of hexahedra from an VTK file (structured points dataset), GiD_VTK2Hexa Tcl command
Creation of iso-surface of triangles from an VTK file (structured points dataset), GiD_VTKSP2MarchingCubes Tcl command
New mapping algorithm when meshing using Rsurf mesher
Option to avoid elements with all its nodes in the boundary
Advance bar improvements: show number of generated entities

Global option to force a maximum relative chordal error of the mesh in Preferences->Meshing

Improvements in quadrilateral mesher
Support to use arbitrary fonts in OpenGL (Asian encodings, etc.)
Render environment projection to reflect predefined or user defined patterns

Draw the support grid with labels and in postprocess too
Use a two colors degradation as background

Options added for stream lines: length, initial step, maximum number of points
New Rjump window to make easier the entities selection
Different interpolation scenario (2d or 3d) in surface structured meshing depending on the surface mesher selected (RFast or RSurf).
Views with the same name as the postprocess file, with the extension .vv, are automatically read