GiD - The personal pre and post processor


What's new 16.1.3d


  • Windows, try to allow models with long filenames (>260 MAX_PATH characters)


  • New GiD variable ApplyTransformationsToEntitiesMeshes to enable/disable automatically do on the mesh the action done in its geometry (move, delete, change layers, groups, etc.)
  • Sphere mesher 'Granular' run in parallel
  • IFC import/export updated to IFC4x3 standard version
  • Vtk import fixed bug reading multiple files with multiple kind of elements and results on elements.
  • ACIS .sat import enhanced supporting much more entities
  • ACIS .sab binary implemented preliminarily
  • DXF import allow .sab volumes encoded


  • Vtk import corrected error which caused in some cases to create too many points.


  • GiD_Geometry, GiD_Mesh and GiD_Dimension list new flag -avoid_frozen_layers to list only entities of layers unfrozen
  • GiD_Project db save|read mesh|mesh_groups|mesh_local_axes|mesh_conditions|geometry|geometry_groups|geometry_local_axes|geometry_conditions|materials|conditions|units|render|embedded_distances <filename> (special command to read/save some files of the model database, must be used carefully and in the correct state and order)
  • GiD_Project set last_general_mesh_size <size>
  • GiD_Project set changes_dataset <dataset> ?<0|1>?
  • new event GiD_Event_AfterReadGIDProjectWithError which will be called when errors appear while reading a GiD project ( event  GiD_Event_AfterReadGIDProject was not called in these cases )
  • new subcommand to get higherentity: GiD_Geometry get point|line|surface <id> higherentity and GiD_Mesh get node <id> higherentity
  • CustomLib value items allow new attribute validate_expr to validate it with an arbitrary valid Tcl expr.
  • CustomLib value items allow new attribute format_command to format the value with a Tcl procedure.
  • CustomLib value items allow new attribute units_state.