GiD - The personal pre and post processor
Linux Install
For the Linux PasServer X.X version, run 'PasServer-X.X-linux-x64-Install' as sudo to install.
When dowloading a file from Internet usually by security it lack of execution permission, must be set with a command like this
chmod +x PasServer-X.X-linux-x64-Install
The file browsers allow to change the file properties with some window like this one:
Then the installer can be run. Do it as sudo, to allow be installed at 'usr/local/passerver' and be set as a daemon (service)
sudo PasServer-X.X-linux-x64-Install
Then the GUI of the installer will appear
Note: In CentOS 8 the GUI cannot be opened and print a message like "No protocol specified" "Couldn't connect to display ":0"
to fix it use this command
xhost +
Note: in case of troubles it is possible to run the installer without GUI with the extra flag -mode console (-h display other options)
sudo PasServer-X.X-linux-x64-Install --mode console
After the installation, passerver is set as a service named passerverd.service and automatically started.
The service can be started/stopped manually with the command
sudo systemctl start passerverd.service sudo systemctl stop passerverd.service
After the install it's needed to add to the server the passwords for GiD or problemtypes. section Add licences to be provided by this server