This folder contains all the GiD models which are used in the test cases. It is important to put them in a folder structure similar to the one used to organize the batch files, in order to make easier the finding of them.
These models should have only the needed information to run the test case. If the render mesh or the 'regular' mesh is not needed to run the test case, they should be removed, so as the models won't take too much space.
GiD models must be saved with the oldest style possible, in order to be opened by official version, not only last developer.
Sometimes they include problemtypes that are not prepared to be run without windows (gid -n flag) then if the problemtype is not compulsory it is recommended to unload the problemtype and save it.
GiD team models must be copied to
eon ( and each user could have its local copy with some synchronization tool (e.g. FreeFileSync is good tool for huge amount of files.
GiD - The personal pre and post processor