GiD - The personal pre and post processor
What's new 17.0.2
- Fix bug AddToRecentDocs or AddToJumpList (Windows only) when filename has spaces
- Enhanced performance deleting layer and its entities
- Fixed bug splitting volume
- Fixes bug Parasolid binary import
- Fixed some STEP import bugs
- Fixed bug calculating mesh boundary
- Fixed bug Cartesian mesh calculating grid with variable spacing.
- Avoid crash deleting isolate point with mesh node
- Fix bug detach mesh, some points continue attached to its nodes
- Fix crash mesh structured hexahedra assigning groups to faces in parallel
- Fix bugs calculate mass properties volume from render mesh
- Fix bug mesh quadrilateral dominant, repeated element ids
- Fix bug mesh line chordal error smoothing
- corrected error in polygonal cut when sometimes, a single cut is split into two unconnected pieces when it should be only one.
- corrected drawing problem when selecting border graph on AMD graphic cards.
- corrected error when drawing several contour fill ( with 'Several results' on ) defined on gauss points and when read from hdf5 postprocess file.
- Package tdom updated from 0.9.2 to 0.9.5
- Predefine proc TKWIDGET: GidUtils::TkwidgetButton