GiD - The personal pre and post processor

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What's new from version 11.1.2d to 11.1.3d

  • Spheres + VBO: added memory limit when drawing thousands of spheres with high detail level. If limit is reached, then the detail level is lowered. At detail level 0, spheres are drawn as points. The memory limit is set to 1 GB, which implies that up to 120 thousand spheres can be drawn with a nice detail level (n.d.l.) of 9, i.e. ~630 triangles per sphere, 150 thousand spheres up to n.d.l. 8 ( 510 triangles), ..., 560 thousand up to n.d.l. 4 ( 128 triangles).
  • Problem saving the GiD password avoided (Windows platform with 'User Acess Control' enabled). Administrator permission is asked to allow write the password to file.
  • gid -tclsh ?<tcl_filename>? to source a file in a tclsh or open a interactive Tkcon console (e.g. to do special thinks with and auxiliary script or execute the solver calculation)
  • MouseWheel now zoom the model directly, without require pressing the <Shift> key
  • Improved preferences window using a tree to organize the information.


  • Improvements in Octree based mesher.
  • Spheres rendering: new draw and faster mode for spheres which uses a texture to draw a sphere. Can be enabled and disabled in the Graphical panel of the Preferences window:

  • Fixed some bug related to groups, and some new features, like select dependencies, and list conditions applied to some group


  • Result distribution window: to show a graph of frequency distribution of nodes or elements by result spans.

  • Multiple graphs: now it is possible to have more than one graph, separating them by 'graph sets' that can be handled from the 'Graphs window'
  • Table to edit graph points enhanced: multiple selection, allow copy/paste in Excel, etc.
  • Graphs are drawn inside the 'graphs window' instead of the main window, to simultaneously see the model and graphs.
  • Graphs operations enhanced: now it is possible to operate with two graphs,e.g. to substract them, with different amount of x values.
  • Graphs: Labels are properly showed with logarithmic scale.
  • Graphs: If applicable units are drawn in the axis label.
  • Graphs: Result step is specified in the graph title.
  • Cut Wire: now all edges of elements of the model between user specified points are cut. Still the user should pick points lying on model edges.
  • Stream lines: better calculation of initial time step to create stream lines.
  • Stream lines: new 2D constraint option, with which the stream lines calculations discards the z-coordinates of the mesh and the z-component of the vector field. The stream lines is projected to the triangle or quadrilateral mesh though.


  • New GiD-Tcl event BeforeReadGIDProject that allow to return cancel to abort it.
  • New GiD-Tcl event AfterSaveFile raised when exporting a file in some format.
  • New macro to import a selection of multiple IGES files and send then to layers named with file names and collapse independently.
  • New GiD_Info parametric uv_projection_z_fromcoord subcommand, to get the location of a point projected in direction z on a surface
  • New GiD-Tcl command: GiD_GraphSet create|current|delete|edit|exists|list
  • Addet options edit and exists to the GiD-Tcl command GiD_Graph, and an optional <graphset_name> parameter could be specified.
  • GidUtils::TkwidgetGetVector3D predefined Tkwidget procedure to show in a single row three entries for x, y, z real coordinates of points or directions.
  • No labels