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The Standard bar has common options for both pre- and postprocessing components, including: open, take a snapshot, print, preferences, help, exit and others. Image Removed
Standard bar in preprocess
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Standard bar in postprocess

Standard bar in preprocessImage Added

Standard bar in postprocessImage Added

The different icons represent, from left to right:

  • New: PRE: the existing project is closed and a new one is created. POST: the model is closed.
  • Open: PRE: closes the current project and opens an existent one. POST: closes the current model and reads an existent mesh with its results. only in postprocess, it is possible to open multiple postprocess files.
  • (only in postprocess) Reload files: Reload postprocess files and sets results to last step.
  • Save: PRE: saves the project. POST: saves de postprocess information in a new binary file.



  • Copy: PRE: shows the copy window, POST: shows the transformation window.
  • Layers/Meshes/Sets: PRE: pops-up the Layers/Groups window, POST: pops-up the 'View Style' window.
  • (only in postprocess) pops-up result, graphs,animation windows, animations controls respectively.
  • (only in postprocess) Animate. start/stop animation along time steps of current results


The Geometry & view bar has some of the view options common to pre- and postprocessing, such as zooming, panning, rotating, etc. But certain icons are specific to preprocessing and others to postprocessing. Image Removed
Geomety & View bar in preprocess

Image Added

The different icons represent, from left to right:

  • Zoom in: zooms the project in selecting a rectangle
  • Zoom frame: adjust the visualization to comprise the whole model
  • Rotate trackball: rotates de model dynamically using the mouse as 'spaceball'
  • Pan dynamic: translates the model dinamycally


Note: The position of the icons depends on how the window is positioned.

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Geomety & View bar in postprocess Image Added
On the postprocess toolbar, the first six commands are the same as on the preprocess toolbar, i.e. from Zoom in to Pan.
The remaining icons represent, from left to right:

  • Display style: when you click here, a menu appears with each icon corresponding to a display option: Boundaries, Hidden Boundaries, All Lines, Hidden Lines, Body, Body Boundaries, Body Lines, points or BoundaryPoints.
  • Culling: allows you to switch on or switch off the front faces and/or the back faces.


If windows are used to enter the data, it is generally necessary to accept this data before closing the window. If this is not done, the data will not be changed.
Usually, commands and operations are invoked by using the menus or mouse, but all the information can be typed into the command line.

The Macros bar allows the creation and execution of macros defined by the user or predefined by GiD: Image Removed
Default macros preprocessing
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Default macros posprocessing

Default macros preprocessingImage Added

Default macros posprocessingImage Added

  • Record macro / stop recording macro: starts a new macro and registers each operation in GiD until stop is pressed.
  • Edit macros...: a window will pop-up allowing the user to edit the macro, rename it or change its icon and accelerator keys.


  • All other icons are configured from Edit macros window

The View results bar allow the user a quick view of the results: Image Removed
View result bar

View result barImage Added

  • No result: cleans all the results visualizations (contour fill, deformation, vectors, etc. except the graphs), leaving the mesh alone.
