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What's new from version 9 to 10

Mac OS X version
Added stereoscopy (3D view) support with anaglyphs and Quad planes and save animations.
Added shadow support using the shadow mapping technique for a better depth perception and enhance presentations.
GMED: new module for treatment of medical images.
Added shadow support.
Ready for Windows Vista an 7
Added support for usb's SpaceNavigator and 3D SpaceBall in Linux
Plugins: tcl files inside the \plugins folder will be automatically sourced when starting.
zoom centered on the current cursor when using mouse wheel
Rhinoceros 4.0 export
Import of x y z? ASCII files as points of nodes
Import of 'ply' mesh files
Geometric surfaces reconstruction from triangle or quadrilateral meshes.
Join surfaces (also able to rebuild a single surface by contour)
Boolean operations with multiple selection
Tcl wrapper of the HDF5 library to read/write this data format.
Boundary layer mesh generation in 3D
Generation of quad dominant meshes (surface mesh with quadrilateral and triangles), if a meshing preference is set.
New unstructured volume mesher available, based on constrained Delaunay algorithm.
New unstructured non constrained volume mesher, based in Isostuffing.
Force Points to Volume Mesh option available (Mesh Criteria->Force Points to Volume Mesh)
Sphere/Circle mesher options in preferences window and new generation algorithms.
Graphs: polar graphs, logarithmic scales, draw axes and labels, select grid color.
Integral of a scalar or vector result over a mesh part.
New Points/Circles/Spheres visualization mode: Internal texture
Support for 'Units' has been added, both for mesh and results:
Options->Geometry->Create delaunay meshes allows the user to create delaunay meshes from the nodes of the postprocess model
New 18 nodes prism element
New file *.post.lst: a file which contains a list of the files for multiple meshes and graphs.
Isosurface exportation is done now with GiD format.
Visualization: in the 'View Style' windows, posibility to visualize the preprocess model (geometry or mesh) with the postprocessed results. There is also de posibility to selec which render mode to use with the preprocess model.
Basic postprocess state is saved and restored.
CompassLIB problemtype Toolkit
Separated customization manual
New Tcl events:
BeforeCopy, AfterCopy, BeforeMove, AfterMove
AfterCreatePoint, BeforeDeletePoint, AfterCreateLine, BeforeDeleteLine, etc.
AfterCreateLayer AfterRenameLayer BeforeDeleteLayer AfterChangeLayer AfterSetLayerToUse
AfterCreateDimension BeforeDeleteDimension
Tcl-GiD commands:
GiD_Geometry can get and create more types of surfaces: plsurface, coonsurface and meshsurface
GiD_Geometry create line: new option to create NURBS interpolating points
GiD_Mesh'get' to obtain information of nodes and elements
GiD_Info Mesh also for meshes of post
GiD_Result create , -array option to efficiently handle data
GiD_Info IsPointInside
New Tcl commands to register procedures (interesting for plugins)
To modify menus: GiD_RegisterPluginAddedMenuProc, GiD_UnRegisterPluginAddedMenuProc
To handle dropped files with some extension: GiD_RegisterExtensionProc, GiD_UnRegisterExtensionProc
GiD_OpenGL get modelviewmatrix|projectionmatrix|viewport , and polygonoffsetfill constant
GiD_OpenGL pgffont pushfont | popfont | print | dimensions | foreground | background
.central.s graphmode , dynamicbox, and dynamicline
objarray command to ask type and length of this vector object
New bas template commands:
*loop conditions nodes|bodyelements|faceelements|layers
*condname, *condnumfields, *condelemface *condhaslocalaxes
*matprop, *cond, *gendata, *intvdata: without arguments print all fields
Grid data showed with a new widget to easily copy/paste big data, and a XY plot can be drawn
Added option #WIDTH# to the Value: field in .cnd to set a specific width for value entries in the Condition Window
Data Conditions NewCond process command, to define a new condition at runtime
Hide/show all volume related menus and toolbars when setting the global variable GidPriv(HideVolumeLevel) to 1/0
Updated to Tcl/Tk 8.5.8
Added more Tcl packages: Tktable, sqlite, ..., and the rest updated to the latest versions.