From version 2.7 to 2.8
- CMake updated and corrected to compile fortran90 example.
- Added functions to allow the user to add mesh and result properties / attributes:User defined properties defined inside Mesh or Result blocksHDF5: stored as properties/attributes (Name, value) of the current Mesh/N or Result/N folderASCII / raw binary: stored as comments# Name: valueDefine the macro COMPASSIS_USER_ATTRIBUTES_FORMATto have it like compassis wants:# ResultUserDefined \"%s\" \"%s\" or# ResultUserDefined \"%s\" %sint GiD_WriteMeshUserAttribute(GP_CONST char * Name,GP_CONST char * Value);int GiD_fWriteMeshUserAttribute( GiD_FILE fd, GP_CONST char *Name, GP_CONST char *Value );int GiD_WriteResultUserAttribute( GP_CONST char *Name, GP_CONST char *Value );int GiD_fWriteResultUserAttribute( GiD_FILE fd, GP_CONST char *Name, GP_CONST char *Value );
From version 2.6 to 2.7
- Added support for MeshGroups ( BeginMeshGroup(), End..., BeginOnMeshGroup(), End...) in HDF5 as used in GiD, useful for dynamic meshes, refinement, multi-stage simulation, etc.
- All non implemented functions for HDF5 now return -1, i.e. all GiD_fXXX() functions.