GiD - The personal pre and post processor
From version 2.10 to 2.11
HDF5 several corrections when using SWMR mode;
- New GiD_fOpenPostMeshFile_utf8 and GiD_fOpenPostResultFile_utf8 expecting filename utf-8 encoded (and old open functions expected ASCII with current system encoding)
removed deprecated examples;
some re-factoring;
debug build mode provides more error messages.
From version 2.9 to 2.10
- HDF5 writes using Single Write Multiple Read, when using hdf5 version 1.10 or higher, i.e. GiD and other programs (if they have also SWMR support) can read the hdf5 file when gidpost is writing it. https://docs.hdfgroup.org/archive/support/HDF5/Tutor/swmr.html.
From version 2.8 to 2.9
- GiD_fWriteCoordinates*Block() Added coordinates block function to write array of coordinates with a single call.
- GiD_fWriteElements*Block() Added elements block function to write array of element's connectivities with a single call.
- GiD_fWriteResultBlock() Added result block function to write array of result values with a single call.
- GiD_PostGetVersion() added to return library version, and if hdf5 is enabled, hdf5 library version too.
- GiD_PostIsThreadSafe( format) : function which returns if format is thread-safe, i.e. several files with this format can be opened and written at the same time. For instance, some HDF5 compilations are not thread-safe, and can not be used to write several hdf5 files at the same time from the same program.
- gidpost-swig/ : to use gidpost library as python module.
- several corrected bugs in library.
- updated some C and Fortran examples to use the new GiD_fWrite*Block functions.
- updated
to include and build more examples. - updated documentation.
From version 2.7 to 2.8
- CMake updated and corrected to compile fortran90 example.
- Added functions to allow the user to add mesh and result properties / attributes:User defined properties defined inside Mesh or Result blocksHDF5: stored as properties/attributes (Name, value) of the current Mesh/N or Result/N folderASCII / raw binary: stored as comments# Name: valueDefine the macro COMPASSIS_USER_ATTRIBUTES_FORMATto have it like compassis wants:# ResultUserDefined \"%s\" \"%s\" or# ResultUserDefined \"%s\" %sint GiD_WriteMeshUserAttribute(GP_CONST char * Name,GP_CONST char * Value);int GiD_fWriteMeshUserAttribute( GiD_FILE fd, GP_CONST char *Name, GP_CONST char *Value );int GiD_WriteResultUserAttribute( GP_CONST char *Name, GP_CONST char *Value );int GiD_fWriteResultUserAttribute( GiD_FILE fd, GP_CONST char *Name, GP_CONST char *Value );
From version 2.6 to 2.7
- Added support for MeshGroups ( BeginMeshGroup(), End..., BeginOnMeshGroup(), End...) in HDF5 as used in GiD, useful for dynamic meshes, refinement, multi-stage simulation, etc.
- All non implemented functions for HDF5 now return -1, i.e. all GiD_fXXX() functions.
From version 2.5 to 2.6
- Added support for ComplexMatrix Result types.
- More exhaustive example and some corrections.
From version 2.4 to 2.5
- Default format to print real numbers changed from "%g" to "%.9g" increasing the amount of significant digits to be printed in ASCII.
- New function GiD_PostSetFormatReal to allow change the default format of real numbers.
From version 2.3 to 2.4
- Allow write OnNurbsSurface results for iso-geometrical analysis
From version 2.1 to 2.3
- Allow use HD5 from FORTRAN interface
- Fixed bug with mesh group
From version 2.0 to 2.1
- Allow write complex scalar and complex vector results
- Write units of mesh or results
- Enhanced FORTRAN 77 and 90 interface to be more compatible.
From version 1.7.2 to 2.0
- New set of functions "GiD_fxxx" that allow specify the file to write, in case of have multiple files of mesh or results.
- Library rewritten in C avoiding C++ to be more compatible linking with other languages.
- Optional define of HDF5 to enable write postprocess files using the HDF5 library
Old changes
- Updated cfortran to release 4.4
2008/02/25 - changing to release 1.8
- M build/Jamroot, source/gidpost.cpp source/gidpostInt.h: removedC++ dependencies.
2008/01/29 - source/gidpost.cpp:
- GiD_OpenPostMeshFile should not write a header. Thanks to Janosch Stascheit <janosch.stascheit@rub.de>
- invalid access in GiD_BeginMeshGroup: should ensure that a valid mesh file object is available so etMeshFile() should be called
before writing. Thanks to Janosch Stascheit<janosch.stascheit@rub.de> for providing the fix.
- source/gidpost.cpp: GiD_BeginOnMeshGroup should be "OnGroup\"%s\"" instead of "Group \"%s\"". Thanks to Janosch Stascheit
2007/06/13 - source/gidpost.cpp: GiD_WritePlainDefMatrix can be written in binary files.
2007/06/11 - GiD_Sphere and GiD_Circle
2007/06/11 - source/gidpost.cc: Write2DMatrix is now available on binary format, Z component is set to 0.
2007/01/23: - source/gidpostfor.c: bug reported by a user:GiD_Begin3DMatResult must be ncomp = SetupComponents(6, not 4Factoring fortran declaration in gidpostfor.h
Defining symbols for both gcc and icc.
2006/06/25 - doc/*:
- sources/gidpost.cpp,gidpost.h: included pyramid element.
2006/06/25 - tag 1.7: rel_1_7
- examples/testpost.c: fixed a bug, AsciiZipped must has the mesh
file in ascii format.
2006/05/25 - gidpost.h: dllexport.
2006/05/18 - all: GiD_BeginMeshColor, GiD_BeginMeshGroup, GiD_EndMeshGroup,
GiD_BeginOnMeshGroup, GiD_EndOnMeshGroup
2005/10/24 - doc:
- gidpost.h : documented GiD_ResultDescriptionDim
2005/10/21 - gidpost* : added support to new type specification for result
groups. The type could be Type:dim, where Type is one valid result
type and dim is a number giving a valid dimension. Updated fortran
interface for recently added functions.
2005/10/07 - all: new version 1.60. "Result Groups" can now be written. The
macro USE_CONST can be used to enable (if defined) or disable (if not defined) the use of const char* arguments.
2005/09/22 - all: ha sido un error cambiar de 'char *' a 'const char *'
2005/09/22 - gidpost.cpp: flag_begin_values = 0; must be set in
2005/09/21 - gidpost.h:
- gidpost.cpp: values_location_{min,max} not needed, CBufferValue
- gidpostInt.cpp: now controls the types of results written within
- gidpostInt.h: a ResultGroup.
2005/09/16 - gidpost.cpp: in GiD_WriteVectorModule, when writing if we are
inside a ResultGroup block the module value is ignored. - gidpostInt.cpp: in CBufferValues::WriteValues, buffer overflow
is checked after checking for change in location.
2005/09/15 - gidpost.cpp:
- gidpostInt.cpp:
- gidpostInt.h: fixed a bug when writing results in a "Result
Group", vectors can be 3 or 4 component long. - examples/testpost.c : bug when passing location id in result
group sample code.
2005/06/27 - source/gidpost.{h,cpp} including Prism element
- doc/gidpost.{html,subst} including Prism element documentation.
- all: change to version 1.52
2005/05/09 - all: constification, version change from 1.5 to 1.51
2005/01/04 - source/gidpostInt.cpp: fixed a bug when writing 3D vectors.
2005/01/07 - source/gidpost.cpp added const char and a filter to remove
double quotes from names which can cause problems within gid.
2003/07/29 - doc/gidpost.html : commented the GiD_ResultUnit
- source/gidpost.h : interface because it is not
- source/gidpostfor.c: supported yet inside GiD.
2003/07/28 - doc/gidpost.html: updated documentation for release 1.5
- binary/gidpost.lib: binary release for windows
2003/07/15 - gidpost.h:
- gidpost.cpp:
- gidpostfor.c: new function 'GiD_WriteCoordinates2D' (to write
coordinates in 2D but only in ASCII format, the function can be
used in binary but the library provide the 'z' coordinate a zero.
2003/07/15 - gidpost.h:
- gidpost.cpp: removed 'char * UnitName' argument , new functions:
GiD_BeginResultHeader, GiD_ResultRange, GiD_ResultComponents,
GiD_ResultUnit, GiD_BeginResultGroup, GiD_ResultDescription,
GiD_ResultValues, GiD_FlushPostFile. Validation in debug mode. - gidpostInt.h:
- gidpostInt.cpp: new member
CPostFile::WriteValues( int id, int n, double * buffer), new class
CBufferValues to write the values in a result group, validation in
debug mode. - gidpostfor.c: updated fortran interface for the new
functionality. - testpost.c:
- testpostfor.f: added test code for the new functionality.