?-pre | -post? -step_index <step_index> | -step_value <step_value>? ?-set_name <set_name>? ?-deformed?:
-pre | -post: To specify to use the preproces or postprocess mesh (default -pre).
-set_name <set_name>: for Elements of post is optional specify -set_name <set_name> to get only the elements of this set, in case that more than one.
-deformed: for nodes of post is optional specify -deformed, in this case the node coordinates are not the original, but the current deformed (mesh deformed adding a vector result multiplied by a scale factor). By default without this flag the original coordinates are returned
- NumElements <Elemtype> ?<nnode>?: returns the number of elements of the mesh.
in: GiD_Info Mesh
out: "1 Tetrahedra Triangle"
in: GiD_Info Mesh MaxNumNodes
out: "1623"
Code Block |
set data [GiD_Info Mesh EmbeddedDistances] |
lassign $data nodes distances |
set length [objarray length $nodes_list] |
for {set i 0} {$i < $length} {incr i } { |
set node_id [objarray get $nodes $i] |
set distance [objarray get $distances $i] |
W "$node_id $distance" |
} |
Example 2:
Mesh with
node_id x_coord y_coord z_coord
1 0.0 1.0 0.0
2 1.0 1.0 0.0
3 0.0 0.0 0.0
4 1.0 0.0 0.0