Menu: View->View->Save...
Menu: View->View→Read>View->Read...
The first of these two options lets you save the actual view configuration to a file. That configuration can than be loaded at any time using the View -> Read command.
Code Block |
BeginZE C:\temp\example.gid\example.vv x -541.13 27938.6 y 11314.9 -11314.9 z -56207 46237.2 e 17074 v 0.381929 -0.247061 -0.199851 r 0.867842 m 0.79804 0.158159 -0.581479 0 -0.535598 0.62838 -0.564157 0 0.276163 0.761659 0.586182 0 0 0 0 1 c 13698.7 -9.09495e-013 4984.91 pd 0 pno 0 pfo 0 pf 4 pv 0 NowUse 0 DrawingType 1 LightVector 90 90 150 0 EndZE C:\temp\example.gid\example.vv |
The abreviations abbreviations stand for:
x - left and right clip planes
y - top and bottom clip planes
z - near and far clip planes
e - margin between view and model box
v - rotation vector
r - rotation factor
m - rotation matrix
c - figure center
pd - perspective distance
pno - perspective near plane
pfo - perspective far planes
pf - perspective factor
pv - perspective view
NowUse - current use: 0=geometry, 1=mesh, post=2, graphs=3
DrawingType - render mode
LightVector - light direction in screen space