
GiD - The personal pre and post processor


Views can be read and saved from this menu.
This option is useful to compare views between different models or projects, or to create an animation piecewise, save the views between GiD sessions, and join the pieces afterwards into a single video file.
These are text files with the extension '.vv'.

Menu: View->View->Save...
Menu: View->View->Read...

The first of these two options lets you save the actual view configuration to a file. That configuration can than be loaded at any time using the View -> Read command.

The view file store something like this:

BeginZE C:\temp\example.gid\example.vv
   x -541.13 27938.6
   y 11314.9 -11314.9
   z -56207 46237.2
   e 17074
   v 0.381929 -0.247061 -0.199851
   r 0.867842
   m 0.79804 0.158159 -0.581479 0 -0.535598 0.62838 -0.564157 0 0.276163 0.761659 0.586182 0 0 0 0 1
   c 13698.7 -9.09495e-013 4984.91
   pd 0
   pno 0
   pfo 0
   pf 4
   pv 0
   NowUse 0
   DrawingType 1
   LightVector 90 90 150 0
EndZE C:\temp\example.gid\example.vv

The abbreviations stand for:
x - left and right clip planes
y - top and bottom clip planes
z - near and far clip planes
e - margin between view and model box
v - rotation vector
r - rotation factor
m - rotation matrix
c - figure center
pd - perspective distance
pno - perspective near plane
pfo - perspective far planes
pf - perspective factor
pv - perspective view
NowUse - current use: 0=geometry, 1=mesh, post=2, graphs=3
DrawingType - render mode
LightVector - light direction in screen space