Result "result name" "analysis name" step_value result_type result_location "location name"
ComponentNames "component_name_1" ... "component_name_n"
Unit "unit_string"
The lines of ComponentNames and Unit are optional. If ComponentNames is missing the string of each component (4 for a vector: x, y, z, modulus) are created automatically from the "result name", e.g. "result name"-x, etc.
If Unit header line is missing then empty unit "" is assumed. Component names and units are currently used to show some menu names and legends when drawing the result.
Result: is not case-sensitive;
- Scalar: one component per result
- Vector: two, three or four components for result: x, y, z and ( signed) modulus
- Matrix: three components for 2D matrices, six components for 3D matrices
- PlainDeformationMatrix: four components: Sxx, Syy, Sxy, Szz
- MainMatrix: the three main unitary eigen vectors (three components each) and three eigen values of the matrix
- LocalAxes: three euler angles to specify the local axis
- ComplexScalar: two components to specify a + b · i
- ComplexVector: four components for 2D complex vectors, six or nine components for 3D vectors: rX iX rY iY rZ iZ |r| |i| |vector| --> to specify the vector ( rX + iX, rY + iY, rZ + iZ)
- ComplexMatrix: six components for 2D matrices ( Sxx_real, Syy_real, Sxy_real, Sxx_imag, Syy_imag, Sxy_imag), and twelwe twelve components for 3D matrices (Sxx_real, Syy_real, Szz_real, Sxy_real, Syz_real, Sxz_real, Sxx_imag, Syy_imag, Szz_imag, Sxy_imag, Syz_imag, Sxz_imag)
Note: Results can be visually grouped into 'folders' like in the following picture
by just grouping of results using double slahes slashes in the result names:
Result “Mechanical//Pressures//Water pressure” “Time analysis” 60
Result “Physical//Saturation” “Time analysis” 60 Scalar OnNodes
and so on...
ResultRangesTable "Name of a result ranges table": (optional) is not case-sensitive, followed by the name of the previously defined Result Ranges Table, which will be used if the Contour Ranges result visualization is chosen (see Result Range Table);
ComponentNames "Name of Component 1", "Name of Component 2": (optional) is not case-sensitive, followed by the names of the components of the results which will be used in GiD. Missing components names will be automatically generated. The number of Component Names are:
OnNodes: results are defined on the nodes of the mesh. If nodes are shared between elements, as usual, then the result field is continouscontinuous.
OnGaussPoints: results are defined in some locations of the mesh elements. Usually solvers calculate values in some special locations named 'gauss points' for its numerical integration, then is natural to write the results on these locations. The results field is discontinuous between elements, then some options like calculate streamlines are not allowed for this kind of result. Sometimes results are extrapolated and averaged on nodes providing a continuous and smoothed result.
surface_number is the id of the surface (the same integer number that identify the surface in preprocess)
value is the real number of the result. It is compulsory to write the values for all control pointsof points of the surface, if some control point doesn't has result it must have a NR value to represent 'no result'. This is tipical typical of trimmed NURBS surfaces, some control points far of trimmed part are not relevant and doestdoesn'n t have any value.
It the whole surface doesn't has OnNurbsSurface result, it is not necesary necessary to be written.
There is a model with isogeometric results OnNurbsSurface at: Examples\IGA_shell.gid\IGA_shell.post.res
The number of components for each Result Value are:
for Matrix results: three components (2D models) or six components (3D models)
2D: result_number_i Sxx_value Syy_value Sxy_
3D: result_number_i Sxx_value Syy_value Szz_value Sxy_value Syz_value Sxz_value
for PlainDeformationMatrix results: four components result_number_i Sxx_value Syy_value Sxy_value Szz_value
Look for LocalAxesDef(EulerAngles) at Multiple values return commands for a more detailed explanation to calculate axis from euler angles and vice-versa.
- End Values: is not case-sensitive, and indicates the end of the results values section.
Note: there is a special real value ((float)-3.40282346638528860e+38) that mean NO_RESULT, must not be operated like the rest of real values (e.g. must be ignored to calculate an averaged value)
There is a Tcl proc IsResultNotDefined to check if a value is 'NO_RESULT' , and other proc GetResultNotDefined that return this special value.
Note: For Matrix and PlainDeformationMatrix results, the Si, Sii and Siii components are calculated by GiD, which represents the eigen values & vectors of the matrix results, and which are ordered according to the eigen value.