Result Range Table

GiD - The personal pre and post processor

Result Range Table

A Result Range Table is a customized legends for the Contour Ranges visualization and referenced by the Results. Each ResultRangesTable consist of a list that associate a string or keyword to a range of result values.

If a Result Range Table is to be included, it must be defined before the Result which uses it.

Each Result Range Table is defined between the lines ResultRangesTable and End ResultRangesTable.

The structure is as follows and should:

  • Begin with a header that follows this model:

ResultRangesTable "ResultsRangeTableName"

where ResultRangesTable: is not case-sensitive; "ResultsRangeTableName": is a name for the Result Ranges Table, which will be used as a reference by the results that use this Result Ranges Table.

  • Be followed by a list of Ranges, each of them defined as follows:

Min_Value - Max_Value: "Range Name"

Min_value : is the minimum value of the range, and may be void if the Max_value is given. If void, the minimum value of the result will be used;

Max_value : is the maximum value of the range, and may be void if the Min_value is given. If void, the maximum value of the result will be used;

"Range Name" : is the name of the range which will appear on legends and labels.

  • End with this tail:

End ResultRangesTable
End ResultRangesTable: is not case-sensitive.

Here are several examples of results range tables:

  • Ranges defined for the whole result:
ResultRangesTable "My table"
# all the ranges are min <= res < max except
# the last range is min <= res <= max
      - 0.3: "Less"
  0.3 - 0.7: "Normal"
  0.7 -    : "Too much"
End ResultRangesTable

  • Just a couple of ranges:
ResultRangesTable "My table"
  0.3 - 0.7: "Normal"
  0.7 - 0.9: "Too much"
End ResultRangesTable

Or using the maximum of the result:

ResultRangesTable "My table"
  0.3 - 0.7: "Normal"
  0.7 -    : "Too much"
End ResultRangesTable

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