GiD - The personal pre and post processor

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GiD_Info postprocess
GiD_Info postprocess get
This command returns information about the GiD postprocess.
GiD_Info function>postprocess>sets
GiD_Info postprocess get <option>
The following <option> are available:
A volumeset is basically a mesh of volume elements, a surfaceset is a mesh of surface (and line) elements. All entities of the set are of the same element type.
A cut store the information to define the cut location, cutting could create true new surfacesets including its interpolated results, or create only visual meshes to be drawn temporarily.
Returns a list of all sets of volume.
Returns a list of all sets of surface (and line).
Returns a list of all cuts.
Returns a list of the visible volume sets.
Returns a list of the visible surface (and line) sets.
Returns a list of the visible cut sets.
Returns a list of the volume colors used in the project.
Each item of the list has 4 sub-items: {color_ambient color_diffuse color_specular shininess}
Colors are represented in RGB hexadecimal format #RRGGBB. Example: #000000 would be black, and #FFFFFF would be white.
Shininess is a real value from 0.0 to 1.0
Returns a list of the surface colors used in the project. Colors are represented in RGB hexadecimal format.
Returns a list of the cut colors used in the project. Colors are represented in RGB hexadecimal format.
property massive|transparent|transparency|displaystyle|edgewidth|visibility|visualizeresults <mesh_name>
Returns value of the specified property for the entered mesh name.
GiD_Info function>postprocess>graphs
GiD_Info postprocess get <option>
See also the more modern commands Graphs and GraphSets
The following <option> are available:
Returns a list of all graphs.
Returns a list of the line graphs.
all_graphs_views: Returns all available graphs types.
graphs_option: ?-allowed_values? <graphset_property>| <graph_property> <graph_name>
whith -allowed_values flag it is returned a list with the possible values of the property instead of the current property value.
To get graphset properties

    • <graphset_property> could be:

CurrentStyle Grids MainTitle TitleVisible LegendLocation CoordType AngleAxis AngleUnit ShowOrigAxes ShowRadMarks ColorOrig ColorRad PatRad OutlineOnModel ShowGraphs X_axis Y_axis ShowModelView LineWidth PointSize
To get graph properties (must specify also the <graph_name>)

    • <graph_property> could be:

Style Color ColorAsCFill LineWidth Pattern PatternFactor PointSize Title NumResults ResultsX ResultsY LabelX LabelY Visible
Graph axis options:
axis_options <axis_option>
Returns the current value for the specified property of the drawing axes option.

  • <axis_option>could be:

ShowAxes Type Dimensions AxesWidth AxisXColor AxisYColor AxisZColor XYZLabels Grid GridXColor GridYColor GridZColor GridXDivisions GridYDivisions GridZDivisions FactorPatron Patron Label LabelColorAxes LabelType VarFontSize LabelColor Arrow ArrowXColor ArrowYColor ArrowZColor
GiD_Info function>postprocess>display style
GiD_Info postprocess get <option>
The following <option> are available:
Returns a list of all types of display styles available.
Returns the current display style.
Returns a list of all types of rendering available.
Returns the current rendering method.
Returns the current number of active lights. The option can be changed in View->Render->Lights menu.
Returns a list of all types of culling available.
Returns the current culling visualization.
Returns Opaque or Transparent depending on the current transparency. Transparency is chosen by the user in the Select & Display Style window.
Returns Massive if the option Massive is selected in the "Select & Display Style" window. It returns Hollow if that option is not activated.
Returns the option selected in the Conditions combo box of the Select & Display Style window. (Possible values: Geometry Mesh None)
Returns all the options available in the Conditions combo box of the Select & Display Style window. (Geometry Mesh None)
Returns all the options selected in the Draw Model and Model Render combo box of the Select & Display Style window.
Returns all the options available in the Draw Model and Model Render combo box of the Select & Display Style window.
GiD_Info function>postprocess>results
GiD_Info postprocess get <option>
See also the more modern command Results
The following <option> are available:
Returns a list of all analyses in the project.
Returns the number of steps of "analysis_name".
Returns the name of the current analysis.
Returns the current step.
Returns 1 if the postprocess mesh is changing along the time
Returns all available result views.
Returns the current result view.
cur_results_list <visualization_type>
The available kinds of result visualization are given by the option all_results_views. The command returns a list of all the results that can be represented with that visualization in the current step of the current analysis.
result_unit <result_name>
Returns the unit name, the multiplier factor and the addition factor of the result "result_name".
results_list <visualization_type> <analysis_name> <step_value>
The available kinds of result visualization are given by the option all_results_views. The command returns a list of all the results that can be represented with that visualization in the given step.
Returns the current selected result. The kind of result is selected by the user in the View results window.
cur_components_list <result_name>
Returns a list of all the components of the result "result_name".
cur_complex_components_list <result_name>
Returns a list of all the complex components of the result "result_name".
components_list <result_view_type> <result_name> <analysis_name> <step_value>
Returns a list of all the components of the result "result_view_type" "result_name" "analysis_name" "step_value".
Returns the current component of the current result.
Returns the current result view, analysis name, step, result name and component name.
GiD_Info function>postprocess>results>main vs reference
GiD_Info postprocess get <option>
The following <option> are available:
It is possible to display two copies of the geometry, the main one (where results are drawn), and a refererence one.
Main geometry
Returns whether the main geometry is Deformed or Original.
main_geom_factor <analysis_name> <step_value> <result_name>
Returns the deformation factor of the main geometry of "analysis_name" "step_value" "result_name".
Returns a list of all the deformation variables (vectors) of the main geometry.
Returns the current deformation variable (vectors) of the main geometry.
Returns the main geometry current step.
Returns the main geometry current analysis.
Returns the main geometry current deformation factor.
Reference geometry (auxiliary geometry to be compared with main geometry, usually deforming one of them)
Returns whether the reference geometry is Deformed or Original.
Returns the reference geometry current color.
show_geom_factor <analysis_name> <step_value> <result_name>
Returns the deformation factor of the reference geometry of "analysis_name" "step_value" "result_name".
Returns the current deformation variable (vectors) of the reference geometry.
Returns the reference geometry current analysis.
Returns the reference geometry current step.
Returns whether the reference geometry deformation is relative or absolute.
GiD_Info function>postprocess>results>mesh elements
GiD_Info postprocess get <option>
The following <option> are available:
Returns the value of border angle option. Select the angle criteria between faces to consider the shared edge a boundary edge, i.e. sharp edge, or not. Angles between normals of adjacent faces smaller than the criteria set will be considered a sharp edge and visualized when the mesh style 'boundaries' is selected.
Returns the edge color for drawing the elements.
Returns the current values for the Point element options in Postprocess->Mesh elements preferences window.
info_point_size_factor "analysis_name" "step_value" "result_name" "component_name"
Returns the current point element factor for "analysis_name" "step_value" "result_name" "component_name".
Returns the current values for the Sphere element options in Postprocess->Mesh elements preferences window.
info_sphere_size_factor "analysis_name" "step_value" "result_name" "component_name"
Returns the current sphere element factor for "analysis_name" "step_value" "result_name" "component_name".
Returns the current values for the Line element options in Postprocess->Mesh elements preferences window.
GiD_Info function>postprocess>results>legends and comments
GiD_Info postprocess get <option>
The following <option> are available:
Returns the comments that appear in different results views.
Returns the current values showed in the legend.
Returns the current values in Postprocess->Legends and comments preferences window.
GiD_Info function>postprocess>results>contour fill
GiD_Info postprocess get <option>
The following <option> are available:
Returns the minimum and maximum value of the contour limits. Before each value, the word STD appears if the contour limit value is the default value, and USER if it is defined by the user.
Returns the minimum and maximum value of the current value.
Returns the current values in the More color options window in Postprocess->Contour fill and lines preferences window.
Returns the contour lines width value.
Returns a list of the colors used for the color scale; the first element of the list is the number of colors. Each color is represented in RGB hexadecimal format. #RRGGBB
Example: #000000 would be black, and #FFFFFF would be white.
Returns the list of available color maps for contour fill visualization
GiD_Info function>postprocess>results>vector
GiD_Info postprocess get <option>
The following <option> are available:
cur_vector_factor <results_view_type> <result_name> ?<component_name>? <analysis_name> <step_value>
Returns the current vector factor of the result "results_view_type" "result_name" "component_name" "analysis_name" "step_value".
Returns the current value for vector detail option.
Returns the current value for vector size option.
Returns Yes if the draw interior vectors option is enabled, No if don't.
Returns the current number of colors for vectors when the color mode is set to "by modules".
Returns the current color for vectors when the color mode is set to "monochrome".
Returns the current color for tension vector color option.
Returns the current color for compression vector color option.
Returns the current color mode for vectors.
Returns the current value for vector offset option.
Returns the current value for vector filter factor option.
GiD_Info function>postprocess>results>iso surfaces
GiD_Info postprocess get <option>
The following <option> are available:
Returns a list of all available display styles for isosurfaces.
Returns the current display style for isosurfaces.
Returns a list of all types of rendering available for isosurfaces.
Returns the current rendering method for isosurfaces.
Returns Opaque or Transparent depending on the current transparency of isosurfaces.
Returns the current result values of isosurfaces.
Returns the current values in Postprocess->Iso surfaces preferences window.
GiD_Info function>postprocess>results>stream lines
GiD_Info postprocess get <option>
The following <option> are available:
Returns the stream line size value.
Returns the current stream lines detail render, the color mode, the color of monochrome mode and the initial rotation. The values can be found in Postprocess->Stream lines preferences window.
stream_draw_arrows Arrows|ArrowsSize|ArrowsFreq|ArrowsColor
Returns the current values for draw arrows?, arrows size, arrows frequency or arrows color option.
Returns the current value for stream line label option.
Returns the current value for stream line maximum lenght option.
Returns the current value for stream line maximum points option.
GiD_Info function>postprocess>results>result surface
GiD_Info postprocess get <option>
A 'result surface' is basically a surface-graph drawn in the local axis of the surface elements (the result value represented normal to the surface)
The following <option> are available:
cur_result_surface_factor <results_view_type> <result_name> <component_name> <analysis_name> <step_value>
Returns the current surface factor of the result "results_view_type" "result_name" "component_name" "analysis_name" "step_value".
Returns the current values in Postprocess->Result surface preferences window.
GiD_Info function>postprocess>results>line diagrams
GiD_Info postprocess get <option>
The following <option> are available:
A 'line diagram' is basically a graph drawn in the local axis of the line elements, used for example to represent in bars graphs of bending moments, shear and axial efforts, etc.
cur_diagram_factor <result_name> <analysis_name> <step_value>
Returns the current diagram factor of "result_name" "analysis_name" "step_value".
Returns the current value in Postprocess->Line diagrams preferences window.
GiD_Info function>postprocess>results>others
GiD_Info postprocess get <option>
The following <option> are available:
Returns 1 if the analysis step has changed from the last query, 0 if has not changed.
Returns 1 if the results view has changed from the last query, 0 if has not changed.
Returns 1 if the geometry has changed from the last query, 0 if has not changed.
Returns 1 if the graph list has changed from the last query, 0 if has not changed.
Results_Preference <result_name> <visualization> <property>
Returns the current value of the preference defined by "result_name" "visualization" "property".
Returns the current values for options in Utilities->Scale result view menu.
Returns the current values for "view centered and following node" in the Window->Animate window.

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