It is also possible to draw 3D symbols using OpenGL commands to draw triangles, lines, etc.
A simple way is to have the shape stored in a file with GiD mesh ASCII format
These symbols can be drawn oriented by a vector (e.g. typical case of a force), or by a 3x3 rotation matrix (for a more special case), with a scale factor depending on some field, related to global XYZ axis or local axis of curves or surfaces (using its tangent and normal vectors)
We provide a gid_draw_opengl Tcl package with some interesting procs to facilitate common tasks and usual shapes like an arrow to represent a force, a double T section of a beam, etc.
The code is at <gid>\scripts\gid_draw_opengl
(the subfolder symbols has some .msh files)
See the problemtype <gid>\problemtypes\Examples\customlib\condition_symbols.gid
there is a condition
<condition n="self_weight_3d" pn="Self weight" ov="volume" ovm="" icon="select" help="Set gravity value giving a Modulus and a Direction" groups_icon="groupCreated"> <symbol proc="ConditionSymbols::draw_selfweight" orientation="global"/> <value n="modulus" pn="Gravity" v="9.81" units="m/s^2" unit_magnitude="Acceleration" help="Gravity acceleration value" string_is="double" icon="data"/> <value n="direction" pn="Direction" v="0.0,0.0,-1.0" fieldtype="vector" dimensions="3" help="The resultant unit vector is considered" icon="data"/> </condition>
its <symbol> node has attributes
and the proc is defined as
proc ConditionSymbols::draw_selfweight { values_list } { foreach item $values_list { lassign $item key value unit set data($key) $value #set unit($key) $unit } set modulus $data(modulus) set direction [split $data(direction) ,] set opposite_direction [math::linearalgebra::scale_vect -1.0 $direction] set full_filename [file join [gid_filesystem::get_folder_standard scripts] gid_draw_opengl symbols selfweight.msh] set color_lines black set color_surfaces blue set list_id [gid_draw_opengl::create_opengl_list_from_file_mesh_oriented_z_direction $full_filename $color_lines $color_surfaces $opposite_direction] return $list_id }
the values_list provide the values of each specific condition instance, first are extracted the ones named ‘modulus’ and ‘direction’ and then is called the predefined proc
that read the mesh from the path the a mesh file selfweight.msh
and draw it with OpenGL commands, creating an drawing list for better performance and return its id
Then creating a model, loading this problemtype, and assigning this condition to a volume, can be drawn for example with the contextual menu: Draw symbols
and the shape is drawn oriented with the direction 0,0,-1 (global direction -Z)