Using Python in GiD

GiD - The personal pre and post processor

Using Python in GiD

GiD uses Tcl/Tk as scripting language and to create its GUI

Python is another scripting language, with simplier syntax, better support for data types, and very popular ( with lots of extra features implemented as modules)

Thus, it is very interesting to allow to call Python code from within GiD, and to interact with GiD, asking data or doing actions, and this is now possible using the tohil package.

  • Now, it is possible to re-use our current Python code in GiD without re-writting it in Tcl language.
  • Lots of Python modules can be used to expand the current possibilities of GiD, (e.g. numpy, scipy, TensorFlow, matplotlib, ...).
  • Developer users with experience in Python are able develop code without learning Tcl language (just the minimum to call Python code).
  • Python-based GiD-problemtypes and plugins become self-contained and will use a known Python version (i.e. no need to globally install Python or use any other incompatible version).

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