GiD - The personal pre and post processor
Meshing by default
- Select Mesh->Generate Mesh.
A window comes up in which to enter the maximum element size for the mesh to be generated. Leave the default value provided by GiD unaltered and click OK.
When the GiD finishes the meshing process, an error message appears. This error is due to a defect in the imported geometry. As the window shows, there have been errors meshing surface number 124.
In this part of the tutorial we focus on repairing the surface number 124.
To locate surface 124, select the line with its message in the dialog box and press the Signal button (the same effect is obtained by double-clicking over the message with the left mouse button).
NOTE : If user clicks the right button over a message in the Mesh Errors window, three options are displayed: "Signal problematic point", "More help…" or "List…" The first option is the same as the Signal button, while the "List…" option presents a list of the problematic geometrical entities to make selection easier when performing some common procedures (like sending the entities to a separate layer, erasing the entities, etc.). The "More help…" option gives advice about to correct the geometrical model so the mesh can be generated.
NOTE : The Mesh Errors window can be recovered while dealing with the model by selecting the "Show errors…" option in the Mesh menu.
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