GiD - The personal pre and post processor

From v 10.1.2d to 10.1.3d

What's new from version 10.1.2d to 10.1.3d

  • Option for manual creation of nodes and elements.
  • ACIS import updated until version 20.
  • Fixed bug in rjump mesher. Now its probability of succes in meshing surface patches skipping inner lines is higher.
  • Improvements in quadrilateral unstructured mesher.
  • Fixed bug creating copy of triangles by offset.
  • Enhanced bottleneck when splitting elements with applied conditions
  • Fixed bug in mesh collapse, and less memory is required.
  • Fixed orientation bug when copying volumes by mirror.
  • Visualization: VA + VBO mode, the selected elements and surfaces are now drawn correctly.
  • Visualization: VA + VBO mode, now the colour of the mesh can be coloured by layer or with a single colour ( dark green) through the preferences window.
  • Mesh generation: now the final message tells the user if the generated mesh is quadratic or not.
  • Improvements in RSurf and RJump surface mesher.
  • Improvements and bugs fixing in IsoStuffing unstructured volume mesher.
  • Fixed bug concerning quadrilateral unstructured mesher.
  • Fixed bug concerning quadratic unstructured meshes.
  • Visualization: Inmediate mode, now the colour of the mesh can be coloured by layer or with a single colour through the preferences window.


  • Conditions: added #WIDTH# option in the value description to specify the length, in characters, of the entry used by the user to enter the value of the condition (already in GiD 10.1.0d but not acknowledged). For instance:

CONDITION: Volume_Vector_function
CONDTYPE: over volumes
CONDMESHTYPE: over nodes
HELP: Here you can define a function/expresion ...
VALUE: 0.0#WIDTH#(64)

  • Tcl events for materials: AfterCreateMaterial, AfterRenameMaterial, BeforeDeleteMaterial, AfterChangeMaterial.


  • Health check: added option to filter outlier vertices, for instance, to filter out vertices with coordinates bigger than 1e+32.
  • Mesh read: for line elements, accept 'line' keyword ad element type in the mesh description line, besides the old keyword 'linear'.
  • OffScreen: added ofscreen support for MS Windows and Linux, so that GiD can work in background ( or batch queue), for instance to create long animations or a series of snapshots.
  • OffScreen: added button in the Animation Window to create a batch file to be used with GiD in background or batch mode.
  • Graphs: fixed a couple of bugs regarding label displays and repeated names.
  • Animation Window: rewind button puts slider at the user selected starting step, and not the first step of the analysis.
  • Result state: corrected bug when restoring the line diagram visualization at start-up.
  • Result state: corrected bug when restoring the result surface visualization at start-up, and its options.
  • New results types:
    • ComplexScalar: results with two components: real and imaginary part --> a + b · i
    • ComplexVector: vectors with six components: ( rX + iX, rY + iY, rZ + iZ). If not provided, GiD will calculate the modulus of the real part ( sqrt( rX^2 + rY^2 + rZ^2), of the imaginary part ( sqrt( iX^2 + iY^2 + iZ^2) and of the whole vector ( sqrt( rX^2 + rY^2 + rZ^2 + iX^2 + iY^2 + iZ^2)
    • DisplayVectors visualization draws both parts ( real and imaginary) when the modulus of the whole vector is selected
    • LineDiagram draws both parts ( real and imaginary) when the modulus of the whole vector is selected.
    • Stream lines can be done on the real part ( field) of the complex vector or on the imaginary part ( field).
    • Look at the customization and reference manuals to get more information on how to specify complex numbers for GiD.
  • Animation: GiD now can save animations in a new format: Macromedia Flash Video (.flv)
  • Contour fill and transparencies: corrected problem when using contour fill with textures and switching layers to transparent. Also when creating png's.
  • Result cache: corrected problem regarding several meshes in different timesteps
  • Graphs: corrected problem with integral graphs and cuts.
  • Labels: limited the maximum amount of labels to be displayed to 5.000.
  • Translations: corrected problems when passing the result's name to the translation routine into another language.
  • Icons: added an icon in the 'Standard bar' showing GiD's mode: preprocess or postprocess.
  • Corrected bug when extracting boundaries and exporting ASCII boundaries from hexahedral meshes.
  • STL export: added option to select whether the quadrilaterals should be divided into two or four triangles
  • Graphs: new Point Complex Evolution graph, similar to 'Point Evolution' but for complex results, where both real and imaginary part of the result are displayed as 'x' and 'y' in the graph.

Icon bars: the contour options icons and the graphs icons have been grouped into two submenus, so the general view is less cluttered
Stream Lines: creation options are more visible now: View results --> Stream lines --> Single point / Along line / In a quad(rilateral)
Stream Lines: made the algorithm a bit faster for big meshes made and for the first stream line.
Images / animations: for contour fills or results surfaces with contour fill colours, corrected transparency issue.
Show Min Max: added 'show minimum', 'show maximum' and ' show min max' options which shows the minimum result alone, the maximum result alone or both at once.
Multi-monitor support: corrected problem which caused windows no to be reopened in the second monitor.
Translations: corrected problem regarding result names with spaces in legend and comment boxes.
Linux + ATI drivers: workaround to the problem which caused GiD to lock just after saving project or image with 'selection lines by software ( emulation front buffer)' on.
Problemtypes Abaqus, Ls-Dyna and Nastran updated to use floating PasServer licences