GiD - The personal pre and post processor

From v 9.3.0b to 9.3.1b

What's new from version 9.3.0b to 9.3.1b 

Tcl/Tk scripting interpreter updated from 8.5.6 to 8.5.8 version.
More USB memory sticks allowed to register GiD

Parasolid format import updated from version 16004 to 20000
Meshing: isolated points generate isolated nodes, and these nodes are visualized (by default nodes are hidden)

variable PostDoStereoAnimation
Polar graphs enhanced

GiD_OpenGL get modelviewmatrix|projectionmatrix|viewport , and polygonoffsetfill constant
GiD_OpenGL pgffont pushfont | popfont | print | dimensions | foreground | background
.central.s graphmode , dynamicbox, and dynamicline
objarray command to ask type and length of this vector object

Fixed bugs:
Circle/sphere mesher bug with conditions over face elements
Copy of elements by mirror with conditions over face elements
Copy by offset, don't allow create 'contact volumes'
Tcl error unselecting materials
Crash on GiD x64 for Windows selecting from menu a batch file to be read and other menus.
Error in Windows Vista and 7 running the external 'only points' volume mesher.
HDF5 Amelet import corrections
Shadows fixed bugs
Fixed some bug in Semi-structured volumes with structured prisms
problems running batch files without any window (-n flag)
postprocess mirror inverted the orientation of the elements